The purpose of Animals
Matter Too is to gather & share information relating to the humane
and compassionate treatment of all living creatures.
We have always supported animal rights and rehabilitation by
way of personal donations but felt there was so much more to do.
We hope to provide needed information to others as we continue
to learn more ourselves. We do not ask for donations for Animals Matter Too, instead, we
ask you to consider making a small donation to one of
the animal welfare organizations in your area or one of the national
groups on our
Animal Welfare Groups List.
They do so much for animals and need our help to continue.
~Please help if you can, either by donating to an animal welfare
group or by volunteering your time. Remember, no donation is
too small and no time is ever wasted.~
If you have any questions or have information you would like to
share, please
Contact Us.
We look forward to hearing from you |