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Summary of Facts
Vick Plea
Commissioner Letter

frequently add information and tips for your pets such as first
aid, home-made treats, holiday tips and more so check back
Click here |

He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours,
faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it
to him to be worthy of such devotion.
Author Unknown |

When choosing a family pet, please
consider adopting from your local animal
shelter...it'll do your heart good!
"Within the heart of every stray lies
the singular desire to be loved"

Pet Tips & Remedies & More
~ |
Important Tips for Summer
Provide plenty of clean, fresh water at ALL times
and change at least once a day.
Ensure adequate shelter from the sun with good air
exercise your dog in extreme heat. Avoid
walking on hot pavement.
a baby pool with cold water and let your dog play in
a clean 1-gallon milk container with water and
freeze it. Place it in a cool spot in the yard so
your pet can lie next to it.
NEVER, EVER leave your pets in a locked vehicle even
with the windows cracked. This can KILL an
Important Tips for
Always provide fresh, clean water and check to make
sure it is not frozen
Provide a warm, dry area free from the elements.
Remove any ice, mud or snow from your pet's feet and
coat as soon as possible. Check for problems
with frostbite if the weather has been especially
cold. Look for white, gray or reddish skin or
if it's peeling or scaly. If so, take to the vet
Cats like to nap in warm places and this will
include under the hoods of cars. Always knock on the
hood of the car of honk the horn before you start
the engine to scare a cat or other animals off.
Pets love antifreeze. It smells good and
tastes sweet. Small amounts can kill an animal and,
unfortunately, symptoms may not show up for days.
Clean up any spills immediately and keep all
containers tightly closed and store them where kids
and animals cannot knock it over.
Important Tips Year-Round
Springtime brings mosquitoes
and with them comes the risk of dogs and
even cats becoming infected with heartworms.
Even animals who live indoors are
Signs of heartworm infection
include coughing, exercise intolerance and
lethargy in a mildly infected dog. An
advanced case may cause life-threatening
signs such as heart failure, liver or kidney
failure, stroke or death.
There are preventatives
that, if taken as directed, prevent
infection. However, dogs with heartworm
infection could become deadly ill if taking
the preventative, so dogs need to be tested
before administering these drugs.
Even dogs who take heartworm
preventative year-round should be tested
yearly. Popular preventatives include
Interceptor, given monthly; Sentinel, which
incorporates a flea-sterilizing ingredient
as well; and Filaribits, given daily.
Use Heartgard for Cats to
ward off the disease which is becoming
increasingly prevalent in cats. However, for
cats, symptoms are very different, so
consult your doctor. |
Yummy Dog Treats
Mix all dry ingredients
together and separately mix wet ingredients together. Blend dry and wet
ingredients together a little at a time alternating between wet and dry.
Mix until dough becomes stiff. Shape the dough into an oblong
roll. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for at least 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 300º.
Slice dough roll into 1/4" slices and place onto a lightly greased
baking sheet. Bake for 1 hour. Make approximately 2 dozen treats.
*Tip: Exchange peanut butter for 2/3 cup
finely grated cheddar cheese for a different treat! |
Homemade Shampoo
for Dogs
Mix ingredients
together and it's ready to go! Lather dog well and rinse
thoroughly. No need for conditioner, the glycerin will give your
dog a silky coat plus the vinegar eliminates odor! The ingredients
can be doubled or tripled with good results for those with multiple or
larger dogs.
Tip: Save
an old shampoo bottle to put the mixture in. Then just
shake and wash!
Much thanks to Nancy in
Wisconsin for sending us this wonderful recipe! |
Pet Parenting Tips from the ASPCA
Although you can often find the perfect
companion animal at local shelters, getting a pet should never be in
impulse decision. Careful research and planning are essential, since
being responsible for the happiness and well-being of your pet
requires more than just providing adequate food, water and shelter.
Potential pet parents should agree with these points before bringing
a dog or cat home.
Animals are not disposable!
Animals are not articles of clothing to be thrown out once they are
no longer in style. The are capable of bonding deeply with their
families and they deserve the same devotion from you. Adding a
four-legged family member means making a lifelong commitment, which
can easily be 10-15 years for dogs and up to 20 for cats.
Protect your pet's health and safety:
Acquiring a dog of cat
costs more than the adoption fee. Remember to include basic and
emergency veterinary care, toys, supplies and food. Don't plan on
leaving your dog alone in the backyard 24 hours a day. A dog that is
constantly left along can develop behavior problems. Dogs thrive on
several hours of exercise and companionship every day. Always keep
your cat indoors. Cats who live outside face dangers from other
animals and people and may prey on wildlife. Spaying and neutering
is also essential for the animal's long-term health and happiness
and providing the animal with proper identification will ensure his
or her safety.
Choose the right pet for your home:
Dogs and cats are not right for every
household. Problems such as allergies, apartment restrictions and
moving issues should be discovered before adopting a new pet. Large
dogs may be too strong or active for small children. Small pets may
be too delicate for children. Once you find a dog or cat that's
right for you, obedience train your dog and make an effort to really
understand cat behavior. Basic training helps you communicate better
with your pets and strengthens the human-animal bond.
Teach yourself, family and children about the pet before adopting:
Educate yourself and your children through reading books about pet
care. Walking a dog several times a day, cleaning up feces, feeding
and bathing a pet are all part of the ongoing family
responsibilities of caring for an animal. No matter how mature your
child is, you will need to provide constant supervision and act as a
backup when your child is unable to handle the responsibility.
Puppies and children may not mix well. consider your child's age -
very young children may unwittingly mishandle or hurt a puppy or
kitten, which are particularly vulnerable to being pulled at,
dropped or picked up inappropriately. Most toy-sized and
touch-and-noise-sensitive dogs are not suitable for young children.
Make sure the pet suits your lifestyle:
Dogs require daily exercise and attention and the size of the dog
should be considered, since a large active dog may not be
appropriate for a small apartment. One adult in the home should be
designated as the primary caretaker so that the pet's daily needs,
such as food and water, do not become lost in the shuffle of busy
Remember thinking
before adopting will save the animal from being returned to the
shelter and will offer the pet and family a long and satisfying life
together. If you are confident that you are ready to add a
four-legged member to your family, try beginning your search at our
website www.aspca.org, where you
can search shelters and animal rescue groups all across America. Or
just take a trip to your local shelter.
To teach children
the importance of kindness towards out animal friends, visit our
children's website at
AMT Note:
Please also remember that birds and other small animals become
attached to their families as well. They should be considered
no more disposable than a cat or dog. As an owner of two small
birds, I was surprised how quickly and strongly they became attached
to us and
just how anxious they were to spend time with us individually.
Just because they are easily transported to another home for quick
disposal, shouldn't mean their feelings don't matter. They
do...birds can feel and hurt too.
Is your pet left alone quite a bit? Here are a few suggestions that
could help cure their blues.
Hide a few
snacks around the house: Finding an unexpected treat in an odd corner
can brighten a pet's day.
Find a
companion: They don't have to be two of a kind. A cat and a dog will get
along just fine.
Break the
Silence: Turn on the radio or set the answering machine on high and call
your pet once in awhile.
Please, Please don't leave them in the dark: Either leave on a light or,
if you have them, set timers to turn on lamps.
Rotate their
toys: After they've been out a day or two, substitute others.
Five Star Puppy Tip!
If you're housebreaking a new pup, try this! To
remove odor and wetness from carpeting, blot up urine with paper
towels and cover the soiled area with cat-box litter. After the
litter has absorbed the liquid, vacuum it up - your carpeting will
be odor-free. This really works!
you have a litter of puppies, place the same number of cloth strips as you
have puppies in the bed with their mother. Then send a cloth strip with
each puppy to its new home. The puppy will feel more secure with the
scent of its mother nearby. |
To give your dog a fresh smell and a cleaner coat, try sprinkling it with
baby powder. Rub the powder into the pet's coat, wait a few minutes and
brush it out. |
Doggy Treats
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup multigrain oatmeal or quick cooking oats, uncooked
1/4 cup honey-crunch wheat germ
1/4 cup chunky or smooth peanut butter
1/4 cup salad oil
1/4 cup honey
1 tsp baking powder
About three hours before serving, in a large mixer bowl at low
speed, mix 1 cup flour with remaining ingredients and 1/2 cup water
until well blended. With spoon, stir in remaining 1/2 cup flour. Preheat
oven to 350 degrees. With floured hands, on well-floured surface, knead
dough until dough holds together. Roll dough 1/4 inch thick. With a
5" by 2 1/2" bone shaped cookie cutter (or any cookie cutter
for that matter) cut out as many bones as possible. Reroll scraps and
cut as above. Repeat with remaining dough. Bake on large ungreased
cookie sheet for 20 minutes; turn oven off. Let cookie sheet remain in
oven 1 hour. Remove bone from cookie sheet to wire rack When cool, store
in airtight container or freeze if not using right away. Makes about 20
dog bones. |
Traveling with Pets
If you want to take your pet on a car trip, first take it for
short rides; increase the time on each subsequent trip so it gets
used to the car.
If your pet is traveling in a carrier, put some of its favorite
toys inside to make it feel more secure. Or line the traveling
container with an old sweater of yours-- the familiar smell will
comfort the animal.
Don't feed you pet for six hours before a car trip. If it has a
tendency to car sickness, try to avoid giving even water for two
hours before you leave home.
When you travel with you pet in a car, bring along a plastic freezer
container of frozen water. As you travel, the water will thaw and
your pet will have a fresh, cool drink ready.
If possible, carry water from home for your pet. The different
mineral content of water in a new location could give it diarrhea.
When traveling with a dog, make sure
he/she is on a leash before you
get out of the care at your destination. Otherwise, it may get
overexcited and jump out of the car and, possibly, get hit by
another vehicle.
If you're traveling with a cat, keep the carrier firmly closed
and don't release the cat until you get indoors. If the cat panics
and jumps out of the car in a strange place, you'll have little
chance of finding it again.
Before traveling with a pet, let the animal get used to the pet
carrier. Leave the carrier out where the animal can smell it,
explore it and sleep in it.