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He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours,
faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it
to him to be worthy of such devotion.
Author Unknown |

When choosing a family pet, please
consider adopting from your local animal
shelter...it'll do your heart good!
"Within the heart of every stray lies
the singular desire to be loved"

Awesome Animals:
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A Magnificent Sight |

In January, 2010, the
weather in Comox, BC was so cold, the eagles in the area were unable to
find food. They landed at Goose Spit and found they had some human
friends in the area. Some kind residents (pictured above) gathered
together some fish and fed the eagles to help them survive the cold
spell. The word seem to get around to all the others and they were
soon surrounded by dozens of the majestic American Bald Eagles.
Thankfully, they took some gorgeous pictures too. Simply fascinating!
Einstein: The Tiny Pinto |
Look at this adorable miniature horse!
His name is Einstein and he was born April 22, 2010. He weighed
only six pounds at birth and is 14 inches tall - a whopping 7 inches and
12 pounds smaller than the average miniature horse. He may well be
the future Guinness World Record Holder for World's Tiniest Horse.
Einstein is completely healthy and
perfectly proportioned. Fortunately, he was born in a responsible,
ethical farm where the goal is a healthy animal and is not intent on
breeding the tiniest horse possible. His new owners, Charles Cantrell
and Rachel Wagner, bought little Einstein partly to keep him out of some
kind of life in a circus...thank goodness!

Saving Pandas After the Earthquake |
are some amazing pictures of the rescue efforts
undertaken by the Chinese after China's devastating
earthquake in 2010. The pandas' habitat was
severely hit and many needed to be relocated.
Fortunately, most of the pandas in this particular area
were able to be rescued with special attention given
to the babies. These photos were taken shortly after the
earthquake. Happily, all pandas were released back
into the wild and it was noted that all the bears stayed
together. They're so cute, they hardly look real.
Daddy, the
Magnificent Pit Bull |
From Cesar
Millan's Official Website:
In Memoriam: Daddy
the Pit Bull
Cesar Millan, all his family
and friends, his staff and
volunteers, and dog lovers
all around the world today
will mourn the passing of
one of the most loyal,
trusting, well-balanced, and
influential pit bull
ambassadors the world has
ever known. Daddy, Cesar’s
longtime friend and partner
in canine rehabilitation,
died peacefully surrounded
by family on Friday the 19th
of February. He was sixteen
years old.
He lived each day of those
sixteen years happy and
fulfilled as Cesar’s
right-hand-“man,” helping to
shape the behavior of entire
generations of dogs by
showing them the way to
balance. He stood as
champion for calm-submissive
pit bulls everywhere, and
was instrumental in helping
to repair their image as
violent, savage,
uncontrollable beasts. He
successfully battled cancer
and weathered chemotherapy,
and even got the opportunity
to present at the 56th
Annual Creative Arts Emmy
His name is now added to
that honorable roster of
dogs gone by whose influence
is still felt today, and
which includes some of
Cesar’s beloved childhood
heroes: "Rin-Tin-Tin."
"Lassie." … "Daddy."
He has been immortalized by
Dog Whisperer fans in all
mediums, from painting, to
photographs, to charcoal
drawings and papier-mâché
sculpture. And, of course,
he lives on in his work,
reflected in the balance and
calm-submission of his
protégé Junior, the
countless animals to whom he
was a positive role model,
and in the hearts and minds
of everyone who knew him as
a calm, sweet, and mellow
example of a widely
misunderstood breed.
In Loving Memory.
If you would like to honor Daddy’s memory and the contribution he made to improve the lives of other animals, you can make a donation to Daddy’s Emergency Animal Rescue Fund, which will provide assistance for dogs who are victims of abuse or violence, man-made disasters (hoarder and puppy mill rescues), and large-scale natural disasters (hurricanes, fires, and other natural catastrophes).
I have been a fan Cesar's
and Daddy's for many years
and am deeply saddened by
Daddy's passing. His
contribution to the change
in America's attitude
towards pit bulls is
immeasurable and he will be
missed. Our thoughts
go out to Cesar and his
So long, Daddy.
We'll see you again on
Rainbow Bridge!
The Man with Something Extra.... |
Ranger is assigned to prevent poaching around the
wildlife refuge area of Lanseria, South Africa. The
way these animals interact with him is absolutely
stunning! The lions seem to know he's there to
protect them. His charm works with hyenas and
cougars too. Hyenas are usually vicious. Check out
the pics taken in the river - astounding because lions
hate water. What an amazing man.

The Gangs of
Helena Montana
gangs like these that the people of Helena have to
put up with...a bit different from the problems in
other cities.
It proves that every state has their own "unique"
gang problems. They roam the streets and yards
night and day. They hang out in even the best
neighborhoods...and you CANNOT (legally) stop

I want to live in Helena, Montana!
Remarkable Coyote
Meet the wiliest of all coyotes:
Hit by a car at 75mph, embedded
in the fender, rode for 600
miles - and SURVIVED!
When a brother
and sister
struck a coyote
at 75 mph they
assumed they had
killed the
animal and drove
on. They didn't
realize this was
the toughest
creature ever to
survive a
Eight hours,
two fuel stops
and 600 miles
later they found
wild animal
embedded in
their front
fender - and
very much alive.
and Tevyn East
were driving at
night along
Interstate 80
near the
border when they
noticed a pack
of coyotes near
the roadside on
October 12.
When one of the
animals ran in
front of the
car, the impact
sounded fatal so
the siblings
thought there no
point in
'Right off the
bat, we knew it
was bad,' Daniel
explained. 'We
thought the
story was over.'
After the
incident around
1am, they
continued their
600 mile drive
North San Juan
- even stopping
for fuel at
least twice.
But it was only
when they
finally reached
destination at
9am did they
take time to
examine what
damage they may
have sustained.
At first it
looked as though
it was going to
be quite
'[Daniel] saw
fur and the body
inside the
grill,' Tevyn
East said. 'I
was trying to
keep some
distance. Our assumption
was it was part
of the coyote -
it didn't
register it was
the whole
East got a broom
to try and pry
the remains out
of the bumper
and got the
shock of his
life. 'It
flinched,' Tevyn
East said. 'It
was a huge
surprise - he
got a little
freaked out.'

Tricky, the toughest coyote ever, rests in a cage after its ordeal - which it survived with just some scrapes to its paw.

'We knew it was
bad': Tevyn East, who was in the car when it hit the coyote,
bends down to take a look at the fur poking through the

Fur Pete's
sake: What Mr. East spotted as he bent down to inspect
the damage to his car - the body of the coyote poking
out through the radiator.

Wily coyote: The
animal's head can be
seen as rescuers took
apart the front fender
to save it after it was
struck by the car at 75

Miracle escape: As the
animal struggled,
wildlife protection
officials put a loop
around its neck to
prevent it from further
injuring itself.
The front of the car is
completely taken apart
as the coyote begins to
wriggle free.
Lives Up to Her Name! |
is man's and boy's best friend.
CBC News reports that on Saturday night, 11-year-old
Austin Forman was gathering firewood in his Boston Bar,
B.C. backyard when his 18-month-old golden retriever ran
towards him, jumping over a lawn mower and right into
the path of a charging cougar.
"I knew at that moment that I would have to go get help,
otherwise [Angel] wouldn't have any hope," Austin told
CBC News.
Austin ran into the house, where he and his mother
called 911. When Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrived
at the scene, they found Angel under the back porch with
the cougar's jaws gripped around her neck. Constable
Chad Gravelle shot two rounds into the cougar's rear
end, but it continued to attack Angel. Gravelle then got
closer to the cougar and shot again, instantly killing
the cougar, who still had Angel's face clenched within
its jaws, CTV.ca reports.
"I feel very, very lucky. If it wasn't for my dog, I
don't think I would be here," Austin told CBC News.
The dog came out of the ordeal with some extensive
injuries, including a fractured skull, according to
NBC's "Today." She has undergone surgery to repair the
damage and her vets hope for a full recovery.
"She was my best friend, but now she's more than a best
friend," Austin told CBC News. "She's like my guardian
now." Source:
by Sonia Zjawinski
The Baby Moose... |

A baby
moose was found struggling in a creek in Minnesota
but, fortunately, a nearby resident was able to
rescue him. The poor little thing had to be rescued
a second time when he stumbled back into the creek.
The mother was unable to be found and it is unknown
why they were separated.
Understandably frightened by the day's events, he
followed his rescuer home.
They kept
him overnight and took some great pictures you don't
get to see everyday. The following morning, he was
taken to a local wildlife haven and was sheltered
with a rescued fawn.
A Polar
Bear Attack in Churchill, Manitoba, Canada |
These are pictures of an actual
polar bear attack in Churchill.
They were taken while onlookers
watched in horror but could do
nothing to stop the attack.
Fortunately, reports from the local
newspaper say the victim will make a
full recovery.
Your SMILE is great exercise for your heart!
and the Heat |
When you
think life is rough, try being a koala ...at 120 degrees
in Australia, it was SO HOT for a week, koalas were
asking people for water. It's never been seen

little koala went to a house to try to get some relief
from the scorching heat and here's what happened when
the owner gave him something to drink. So cute!

"Until one
has loved an animal, part of his soul remains unawakened."
Build it
and they will come...... |
A family that lives on the outskirts of
NH . . decided to build a sturdy, colorful
playground for their 3 and 4 year old sons. They
lined the bottom with smooth-stone gravel all
around to avoid knee scrapes and other injuries. They
finished building it one Friday evening and were very
pleased with the end product.
The following morning, the mom was about to wake up
the boys and have them go out to play in their
new play center. This is what she saw from the
upstairs window...

This gives a whole new meaning to build it and they
will come!
An Uplifting Story of Elephants & Humans |
The Mfuwe Lodge in Zambia happens to have been built next to a mango
grove that one family of elephants have always visited when the
fruit ripens. When they returned one year and found the luxury
accommodation in the way, they simply walked through the lobby to
reach their beloved grove of trees.

The animals come in two-by-two. Hotel staff and visitors have
gotten used to the elephants' impromptu strolls through the
lobby. Now the family group, headed by matriarch Wonky Tusk, return
every November and stay for four to six weeks to gorge on mangos -
up to four times a day. Andy Hogg, 44, the lodge director, has
lived in South Luangwa National Park since 1982. But in all his
years of dealing with wild animals he has never seen such intimate
interaction between humans and wild animals. "This is the only place
in the world where elephants freely get so close to humans," says
Andy. "The elephants start coming through base camp in late November
each year to eat the ripe mangos from our trees."

"The most interesting thing about these wild animals," explains
Andy, "is that this is the only herd that comes through, and they
come and go as they please."
Mfuwe Lodge consists of seven camps and the base camp where the
elephants walk through. Employing 150 staff, the management of the
lodge report that there have been no incidents involving the wild
elephants to date. "The elephants get reasonably close to the
staff, as you can see in the pictures of the elephants near the
reception area," Andy explains. "But we do not allow the guests to
get that close."

"Guests can stand in the lounge but only as long as there is a
barrier between the elephants and the guests," he added.
"The elephants are not aggressive but you wouldn't want to tempt
them. It is the elephant's choice to be here and they have been
coming here for the last ten years. There are other wild mango
trees around, but they prefer ours. The lodge was unwittingly built
upon their path," Andy says, "so we had no idea they would do this.
It wasn't a design error, we just didn't know. The lodge was built
and the elephants started walking through afterward."

"We keep people at a safe distance, but allow them close enough to
see what is going on. These are still wild and dangerous animals,
so there must be enough time for people to get away."

The hotel is set in an idyllic national parkland. Naturally, the
lodge becomes busier for both elephants and guests during November.
"We find that we get more people visiting us during the elephant
migration because of the unique experience of being so close to wild
animals in an unusual environment," says Andy. "But as I said this
is a totally natural phenomenon, as the elephants come here of their
own accord. It is certainly a rare but magnificent sight."
Siegel is Our Hero! |
Siegel, a North Carolina woman with a heart of gold,
saved a poor little puppy with five legs from a life of
certain loneliness and sadness in a Coney Island Freak
Show. Upon hearing the puppy's owner, Calvin
Owensby, was selling her to John Strong, owner of a
Freak Museum for $3,000, she offered Owensby $4,000.
Owensby accepted her offer after realizing Strong owned
a Freak Show and not an amazing animals farm as he had
been led to believe.
Ms. Siegel not only gave the puppy a new
lease on life, she also gave her a new name.
Originally named Precious, she is now renamed Lilly.
Lilly was born with an extra leg growing out of her
abdomen between her hind legs which will be removed
within a few weeks.
"I saw her and she's so adorable and I
felt like I needed to be an advocate for her because she
can't speak," Siegel said. "It just broke my heart. I
needed to see if there was something I could do. She is
beautiful, she's not a freak, she's a normal little
puppy dog and she should be just like all the others."
And on another happy note, a Manhattan
veterinarian was so touched by Allyson Siegel's
kindness, he offered to remove the Lilly's extra leg
free of charge. Dr. Neil Shaw, co-owner of NYC
Veterinary Specialists on W. 55th St. said he would give
Lilly an evaluation and plan the surgery.
Siegel was thrilled with the news of Dr.
Shaw's generosity. She had been informed by her own
vet that it would charge $2,000 to perform the
operation. |
Odin, the White Bengal Tiger |
incredible photos are of a White Bengal Tiger named Odin.
He is
six years old and 10 feet long from nose to tail. Odin was raised
and lives at a zoo in Vallejo, California, near San
Odin was weaned, his
British trainer Lee Munro discovered his remarkable skill.
When a lump of meat was thrown into a pool of water, Odin would
happily dive in after it. He makes a funny face - and it's actually
to close his nostrils to stop the water from going into his nose.
Not all big cats enjoy the water but for tigers from the hot climate
of Southeast Asia, it's a great way to cool down. Plus, they
hunt in and around water. Odin particularly loves the water and he
loves food. Not all big cats will dive and swim underwater even for
meat treats. Munro said tigers were the most powerful swimmers out
of all land-dwelling animals. Tragically, within our
lifetime, zoos may be the only places left to see these
magnificent animals. A century ago there were about 100,000
tigers in the wild now a meager 2,500 adults, with the Bengal
variety almost extinct. None has been seen in the wild since the
last white tiger was shot and killed in 1958.
White tigers are very rare and get their color from an
unusual and extremely rare genetic combination.
A Slightly Peeved Moose |
Without the
this would be
hard to believe.
Moose Incident - Fairbanks ,
They were laying new power cables
which were strung on the ground for
The moose are rutting right now and
very agitated.
He was thrashing around and got his
antlers stuck in the cables.
When the men (miles away) began
pulling the lines up with their big
the moose went up with them. They
noticed excess tension
in the lines and went searching for
the problem. He was still alive
when they lowered him to the
ground. He was a huge 60 inch bull
and slightly peeved!
A Thankful Shark |
Happening off the South
Australian coast, near Port Lincoln..
A Love Story
The French Magazine : "Le magazine des voyages de peche" in
its 56th edition, brought up some amazing news: An
astonishing love story.
Arnold Pointer, a
professional fisherman from south of Australia, set free
from a certain death, a large female white shark that was
caught in his fishing nets. Now the fisherman has a
problem; He says: "It's been 2 years and she doesn't leave
me alone. She follows me everywhere I go and her presence
scares all the fish. I don't know what to do any more."
It is hard to get rid of a 17 foot long shark since the
white sharks are protected by the wildlife conservation, but
a mutual affection has been established between Arnold &
"Cindy". Arnold says: "Once I stop the boat she comes
to me, she turns on her back and lets me pet her belly and
neck, she grunts, turns her eyes and moves her fins up and
down hitting the water happily...."
Simply amazing....
Tiger Temple in
Thailand |

The Tiger Temple or Wat Pha Luang At Bua is a Theravada
Buddhist temple in Thailand and has been a sanctuary for
many endangered animals including several tigers that walk
around freely once a day and can be petted by tourists. The
temple received several tiger cubs where the mothers had
been killed by poachers. As of 2007, over 21 cubs have been
born at the temple and the total number of tigers is about
12 adult tigers and 4 cubs.
The tigers are tamed
by being fed with cooked meat to avoid giving them a taste
for blood. The staff keep the tigers under control and the
abbot will intervene if the tiger gets agitated. They are
treated as family members in the temple and visitors are
asked to give a donation if they want to take photos with
the tigers.
The Parakeet and
the Kitten |
two little buddies seem to have no problem getting along.
They've decided to be best friends forever despite their obvious
differences. Maybe we could learn something from them. Could
they be more adorable?
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