Thousands of companion
animals are euthanized in
U.S. animal shelters each
year simply because their
human caregivers died or
became ill and made no
arrangements for the
continuous care of their
pets. What will happen to
your pets if they outlive
Ensure lifetime care for your pets.
2nd Chance 4 Pets: Out in our communities
(To see what we have been up to
recently, please click on the link above)
About 2nd Chance 4 Pets
2nd Chance 4 Pets’
mission is to protect our animal companions and
prevent them from becoming orphaned due to their
owner’s death or disability. Our goal is to educate
and inform the public about available solutions to
pet owners and put a stop to unplanned, unwanted
euthanasia of their pets.
Who we are
2nd Chance 4 Pets is a 501
(c) (3) non-profit organization staffed by
volunteers and located in Los Gatos, California. We
work throughout the state and across the nation to
provide pet owners with comprehensive information
about lifetime care solutions to ensure that their
pets will always be cared for. We are committed to
providing assistance to pet owners in making
lifetime care decisions for their pets.
Based on the overwhelming response
and requests for assistance we have received from
pet owners, animal rescue groups, shelters, hospices
and veterinarians, our programs have made a
significant impact on preventing unnecessary
euthanizing. We are providing pet owners with peace
of mind while reducing the financial and emotional
strain on already overburdened animal shelters and
rescue organizations.
Background about euthanasia
In the United States, there are 4 to 5 million
abandoned and orphaned pets euthanized each year. In California
alone, 750,000 to one million dogs and cats are destroyed— costing
the state’s tax payers over $50 million annually. More than 500,000
of those pets euthanized in the U.S. are because owners did not
appropriately plan for the lifetime care of their pets.
2nd Chance 4 Pets: we can help
We are committed to providing you with the
information you need to ensure your pets will always be cared for.
About our founder
As an 18-year animal shelter volunteer Amy Shever
has been deeply affected by the many healthy animal companions
euthanized each year simply because their owners had died or become
disabled and left no arrangements for their continued care. Amy felt
compelled to find a solution that would save these helpless animals
from the same tragic misfortune— 2nd Chance 4 Pets was the
Amy is a founding member of Tri-Valley Animal
Rescue in Pleasanton, California. She also founded
PetGuardian LLC (www.petguardian.com),
an affiliate of Best Friends Animal Society, which provides
affordable and comprehensive estate planning for pet owners. Amy
holds a Bachelor’s in Marketing and Communication and a Master’s in
Education and Training. Her most profound education has come from
her animal-filled life.
Meet Two of Our Advisory Board Members: Peggy
Hoyt and Cathie Myers
Peggy Hoyt and her law partner,
Randy Bryan, own and operate Hoyt & Bryan, LLC in Oviedo, Florida.
Her law firm limits its practice to estate planning and
administration for individuals, married couples and life alliance
partners, including special needs planning, pet planning, elder law
and guardianships. Peggy is the author of a one-of-a kind book
called All My Children Wear Fur Coats – How to Leave a Legacy for
Your Pet available by visiting
Peggy was recently featured on CNN. Peggy and Candace Pollock are
co-authors of a recently released book, Special People Special,
Special Planning – Creating a Safe Legal Haven for Families with
Special Needs also available through
www.specialpeoplespecialplanning.com. Peggy’s passion is her
pets, so when she is not working on building her law practice,
writing or speaking, she is spending time "playing" with her wild
mustang horses; Reno and Tahoe, and her Premarin rescue, Sierra; her
dogs, Kira, Corkie, Tiger and Fiona; and her cats, Beijing, Bangle,
Cuddles, Tommy, Shamu and Spook.
Peggy has kindly volunteered her time to serve as
an advisory board member for 2nd Chance 4 Pets. Peggy will assist us
in helping to educate pet owners about their options such as how to
make legal arrangements to leave your home to an animal care panel
and have someone selected to live in your home and care for your
pets upon your death or disability (see article Coming in the Next
Cathie Myers oversees the
internship program at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary and organizes
educational booths at teacher conferences and local events. She
designed an "Animal Care and Kindness" class that she teaches in
local schools; facilitates "How to Start a Sanctuary" workshops at
Best Friends; and presents the humane education component of the
workshops. In addition, Cathie coordinates the various youth groups
that come to the sanctuary to perform service work. Cathie has more
than 18 years of experience in early childhood education; she has
worked as the assistant director of a childcare center, as a
preschool and kindergarten teacher, and as a mentor teacher. In her
own education, she has focused on nature, science, the environment
and early childhood education.
Cathie and her husband, Clay, have three dogs and
two cats at home. Cathie has agreed to assist 2nd Chance 4 Pets as
an advisory board member and support us in our efforts to develop
appropriate education for children about lifetime care for our
animal companions.
