Feathered Friends Forever is America's
largest non-profit Rescue and Sanctuary for Exotic &
Endangered Parrots. They care for over 700 abandoned and
abused parrots from 42 states including Alaska on a 10 acre
site just outside Augusta, Georgia. They work to improve the lives of companion
birds and promote advancing
avian welfare through humane education, rescue, and by
providing a temporary and/or permanent safe haven for birds.
It is a registered 501c3 non-profit organization and all
donations are tax-deductible.
Unlike many shelters for dogs, cats and
other animals,
Feathered Friends receives no funding from state or local
governments. They rely strictly on private donations.
Everyone involved with Feathered Friends Forever is a
volunteer including Board Members and the Founder. Military
personnel are welcome to leave their parrots there while
protecting our country overseas and that is done at little or no
cost to our soldiers.
Please visit!
Feathered Friends Forever is located on a site known
as Parrot Paradise Park. The facility has about 21
outdoor flights where visitors can get within inches
of these beautiful creatures.
the park, the Rainbow Bridge Memorial Walkway will become
Feathered Friends Forever way of honoring and memorializing
the many great birds, animals and people who have graced our
lives. In this memorial area will be a gardens filled with
beautiful trees, flowers and blooming shrubs. A walkway will
be created through the gardens paved with memorial bricks
dedicated to your loved ones or favorite birds.
FFF welcomes visitors on weekends during the following
hours. There are no entrance fees but welcome donations! If
you are bringing a group, kindly let them know in advance so
they can ensure everyone has a good time.
Visiting Hours:
Saturday and Sunday: 11am to 5pm
All other times by appointment only please.
612 Byrd Drive
Harlem, GA 30814
How you can help Feathered Friends Forever
you would like to make a tax-deductible donation by check or
money order, please mail to:
Feathered Friends Forever
Rescue/Refuge, Inc.
612 Byrd Drive
Harlem, GA 30814
If you would like to make a
donation by pay pal or credit card:

Visit the
Feathered Friends Forever Website
Comments or Questions
Go to the
website and sign up for their free monthly newsletter to
learn about all the special events