Pet Food Guides
Pet Food Guides
Ringling Bros to Close
Shelter Shoots Dogs & Pups
All Whaling Must End!
PLEASE Help Save Regina
A Panda Cub Named Po
Lipton Tea End Testing
Lemmings & Suicide
Brent Jones is a Hero
All Dogs Go to Heaven
Animal Abuse in Milo & Otis
Jolie-Pitt Donate $2 Million
Bill Clinton: Person of Year
Tucker Carlson on Vick
Beautiful Tree Sculptures
Chad Ochocinco for PETA
Killing Dolphins in Denmark
Dogs Win with Proposition B
Katherine Heigl Donation
NUVAS' Disgusting Betrayal
Pets Dying from Heatstroke
Animal Sanctuary Info
NASA Engineer Resigns
A Hero....
Animal Rescue Stamps
Michael Scelia, Puppy Killer
Richard Carpenter: Artist
Ellen Degeneres Comic
Daddy, the Pit Bull
Stop Dept of Defense Cruelty
A Note from the ASPCA
Tony Gonzalez for PETA
PETA w/ Magpie & Sherlock
Please Help Tonka & Luna
Allyson Siegel is Our Hero!
Snowie: A Success Story
Let's Go Visit Best Friends
The PETA Practical Guide
Comments on Celebrity Fur
Boycott Ringling Bros
Please Help Edi & Cleo
Fur-Wearing Celebrities
Cat Lovers eCard
Michael Vick Bankruptcy
Polar Bear Needs Our Help
Kara DioGuardi is an Angel
Vick Released from Prison
ASPCA Rescues 300 Animals
Whales in Danger
Pet Food Product Recalls
Good News from PETA
News from ASPCA
Some Zoos are Prisons
KFC Victory for PETA
Disgusting Leather Industry
Don't Give Animals as Gifts
NRDC Needs Signatures
ASPCA's Mobile CSI Unit
Vick Get 23 Months
Cruel Experiments at Univ.
PETA Animal Cruelty Video
State to File Charges on Vick
Wendy's Cruelty to Hens
Groups & Jail Time for Vick
Cat Stuck in Tree for Week
Firefighters Save Donkey
Ringling to Stand Trial
Michael Vick's Statement
Jamie Foxx's Stupidity
Links to Vick Documents
Contact the NFL
NFL Suspends Vick!
53 Pit Bulls to be Euthanized
Firefighters Save Six Cats!
Vick Accepts Plea Deal
Our Readers & Vick
Vick's Cohorts Plead Guilty
Jerry Rice is Pure Class!
Vick's Friends are Turning
Educate Your
Ongoing Cruelty by Iams
New Movie: Arctic Tale
Tell KFC What You Think
Panera Bread is Less Cruel
Rawlings Boots Vick!
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Nike Boots Michael Vick!
Michael Vick Update
Help Save Baby Seals
ASPCA to Assist Feds
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The ERL Needs Help!
Stop Urine Farm Torture
Michael Vick Indicted!
- (PDF Format - may take time to load)
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frequently add information and tips for your pets such as first
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He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog.
You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours,
faithful and true to the last beat of his heart. You owe it
to him to be worthy of such devotion.
Author Unknown |

When choosing a family pet, please
consider adopting from your local animal
shelter...it'll do your heart good!
"Within the heart of every stray lies
the singular desire to be loved"

~ Articles ~ |
Everything you ever wanted to know about sloths |
8 Peculiar Facts About Sloths You May Not Know Of
Sloths are
medium-sized mammals of the animal group Pilosa, which is related to
anteaters and armadillos. They like eating tendons, leaves, and buds.
All sloths have three toes, but the
two-toed sloths
only have two fingers. They are also tree-dwelling animals and mostly
found in Central and South America.
sloths are slightly different from other mammals due to the variations
of their cervical vertebrae. The two-toed sloths only have six cervical
vertebrae, while the three-toed sloths have nine cervical vertebrae.
Despite how they look, some people would love to make sloths as pets.
They would spend around $700,
as provided by Cost Mentor.
But more than
their physical attributes, sloths have other interesting characteristics
that may surprise you. As such, here are 8 peculiar facts about these
tree-hugging animals you may not be aware of.
Sloths only
urinate and defecate once a week
Sloths eat a
lot of food regardless of their small stomach. This is to supplement
their bodies with enough nutrients. Besides that, they have a deficient
metabolism, which is the reason behind their large food intakes.
They have
strong claws
These arboreal
mammals have long and robust nails that help them survive in the jungle.
They use their claws as a defense against their predators. They swipe
their claws on the ground to ward off their enemies. They barely fall
victims of an attack due to their slow movement, which does not attract
attention. They also blend with the trees, making it difficult for the
predators to notice them.
They have
less muscle mass
Because their
muscle mass ranges from 25 to 30 percent of their total body weight,
sloths tend to move slower than other animals. In fact, they are
popularly known as the slowest animal in the world. Although their
sluggish pace makes them less vulnerable up on the trees, it becomes
their weakest point when they’re on the ground. Their slow movements, at
times, expose them to their predators.
In addition to
those facts, sloths have the ability to reduce and handle their slow
metabolism. They can also control their heart rate and make it slow by
holding their breaths for over 40 minutes.
unhygienic nature creates an ecosystem for other animals
sloths don’t consider a regular shower a priority in their lives, so you
can just imagine how filthy they can become. Their fluffy fur also
highly contributes to their dirtiness, which creates a
symbiotic relationship with green
algae and even molds.
And did you
know that sloths host moths that feed on the algae present on its skin?
Even if they are dirty, they can create a sustainable environment for
other living species. Additionally, the algae on the sloth’s skin also
make it look green, especially during the rainy periods. Its camouflage
characteristic is another defense mechanism against its predators.
Sloths can
retain their grip even after death
Yes, that’s
true. Sloths have powerful claws that enable them to hold themselves on
trees, hence gain a powerful support. As a result, they hardly fall from
where they hang on to. They can even sleep comfortably while gripping on
the trees. When the sloths die, they rarely fall off from the trees and
still remain clinging for quite a while.
They only
come together during their mating season
Sloths live and
survive on their own and barely stay together as a group. But when it’s
to for them to reproduce, they meet and mate, usually late of summer
and/or early fall. The male sloth may leave poo in a female's tree or on
their tree as a way of telling the latter that they’re ready to mate. On
the other hand, female sloths are known to scream when they want or are
ready to mate.
After the
mating period, the females give birth to their young ones after ten
months. It is, however, difficult for female sloths to conceive if they
cling to their trees and fail to find the males.
Sloths are
excellent swimmers
It seems
unlikely, but they can swim much faster than the way they walk. Their
muscles highly contribute to their swimming abilities and make them
flexible on water.
They can
turn their heads up to a large angle
Due to their
cervical vertebrae, sloths are capable of turning their heads through a
large angle
up to 270 degrees
without breaking or injuring their necks.
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Pet Food Guides - Consumer Affairs |
Finding the best food for your pets can prove to be
difficult. With all the commercial ads saying their
products are best... how do you know which one is
the right for your pet? You can read the labels but
unless you know what to look for, it can be confusing.
The folks at Consumer Affairs have created a pet food guide with
all the necessary information to make the right choice for your
pet's needs. Here are a few of the topics you'll find in the
Best-Rated Dog and Cat Foods
Understanding Nutritional Content
Compare Reviews
The Different types of foods
Expert Opinions
Understanding food labels
There's a wealth of information in these two in-depth, easy to
understand guides. Check them out at the following links.
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Ringling Bros
Circus to Close Permanently |
Ringling Bros is calling it
a day and will go out of business in May. Their final performance is
scheduled for
May 21, 2017 at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale,
New York. Many years ago, this news would have saddened me. Now I
can only feel happiness and relief that it's over. There are still
other cruel circuses out there but this one is done.
Reportedly, the animals will be able to live out their final years
on a conservation farm in Florida. The elephants were sent there
earlier when PETA and other animal welfare advocates campaigned to
end Ringling's elephant cruelty.
Animal Shelter Shoots Dogs & Puppies |
We received an email from Suzanne Marbert alerting us to a particularly
gruesome event that took place in Chesterfield, South Carolina.
The local Animal Shelter in Chesterfield decided to get rid of their
dogs and puppies by shooting them in the head and leaving their bodies
in a public landfill. We are being told that the shelter has provided
animal control officers with new vehicles while the animals went without
food and heat. Earlier, the shelter was forced to get rid of their
antiquated gas chamber due to pressure by local activist and,
apparently, chose this atrocious alternative to rid themselves of the
animals they are hired to protect. Please check out the following:
Watch a video
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All Whaling Must End by
David McMillan |
Public outcry by those opposed to
whaling by Japan and a few other countries has increased
dramatically over the past few years. The Sea
Shepherd Conservation Society has been working tirelessly in an
effort to prevent
Japanese whaling fleets from continuing their cruel & unending
slaughter of these majestic creatures. The following article, by
David McMillan, takes a deeper look into the whaling industry and what
organizations like Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace are doing to bring an
end to the carnage.
*Click here to read
the article
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Please Help Save the Life of
Sweet Little Regina |
Late into last night
we’ve received an information which left us sleepless because it
was about the suffering of a female dog who’s been abandoned
near a wood, 8 months ago, but not before being severely beaten.
More than that it was told to us that she had puppies but they
were killed by that murderer who abandoned her.......
The most severe thing is that this little one, who we named
REGINA, has severe deficiencies in feeding herself! When she’s
eating she’s choking and a terrible cough begins. It is
unimaginable how she could survive so many months. Probably only
her will to live made her resist.
*Click here to read
the entire article
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A Cute Little
Panda Named Po |
The Atlanta Zoo has named their
adorable 3-month-old panda cub, Po, after the animated star of the
hit movie Kung Fu Panda. Jack Black, who is quite adorable in his
own right, was on hand for the naming ceremony. Black, who supplies
the voice for Po in the upcoming sequel, Kung Fu Panda 2, posed for
pictures with Po who now weighs 10 pounds.
*Click here or more info
and pictures
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Lipton Tea Ends
Animal Testing |
Ingrid Newkirk of PETA: "Victory! I'm thrilled to
announce that after more than 40,000 people worldwide
took action against the makers of Lipton tea and after
representatives from PETA and our affiliates in India and Europe flew to
London to meet with Unilever—the world's largest tea maker
including the Lipton and PG tips brands—the company has agreed to end
all non-required animal testing for their teas and tea-based beverages
*Click here to read
the entire article
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Do Lemmings
Really Commit Suicide? |
The notion that
lemmings had suicidal tendencies was widely publicized in the Walt
Disney documentary "White Wilderness". It has also been alleged
that since Disney could not a
get any footage of this non-existent phenomenon, the crew actually
murdered a bunch of lemmings by herding them off a cliff with the camera
recording this from below.
here to read the entire article
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Jones is a Hero On & Off the Football Field! |
Former San Francisco 49er, Brent Jones, is now a hero off the football
field especially to the family of Louis Navin. Louis suffers from
epilepsy and his parents, who are raising six other children, could not
afford to buy him a service dog. After a reading a news article about
the situation, Jones donated $10,000 to the Navin family who will use
the funds to purchase a Labrador service dog for Louis.
here to read the entire article
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All Dogs Go to Heaven! |
These two churches face each other on a busy street. When one church
posted that All Dog Go To Heaven, a public discussion begins with a
hilarious ending. I'll definitely side with Our Lady of Martyrs Church
on this one. Make sure you read them in order!

here to see full-size images on one page
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Animal Abuse
in The Adventures of Milo & Otis? |
I recently received
an email from Terri F., a concerned reader, objecting to
Animals Matter Too advertising The Adventures of Milo &
Otis, a movie in which there
had been allegations of animal abuse. I had never heard
these rumors, however, after doing some research, it's
difficult to ignore the allegations and I certainly
would not advertise or recommend this movie going
We have published a highly
informative article, by David McMillan of
Silkstone, Australia, regarding the film. While it is painful and chilling
to read, it is most certainly eye-opening and makes it
impossible to brush aside the abuse allegations.
Click here to read the article
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Jolie-Pitt Foundation Donates $2 Million to Naankuse Wildlife Sanctuary |
Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie, two of the
world's most famous and respected artists & humanitarians, donated $2
million to the Naankuse (N/a’an ku sê) Lodge and Wildlife Sanctuary in
Namibia. The donation was made through The Jolie-Pitt Foundation in
their daughter Shiloh's name. Shiloh was born in Namibia in 2006.
In a press release regarding Shiloh: "We want her to be very involved
and grow up with the understanding of her country of birth."
The Jolie-Pitts have long been friends with the couple who run the
sanctuary, Dr. Rudie van Vuuren & his wife Marlice saying: "We have
known Rudie and Marlice for many years and continue to be impressed by
their hard work and dedication to the people and conservation of the
land and wildlife of Namibia."
here to read the entire article
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Bill Clinton: PETA's 2010 Person of the Year |
Former President Bill Clinton, who is
renowned for his charisma and eloquence,
has worked to shed light on numerous
global issues through his humanitarian
efforts and his many public speaking
engagements. Recently, he has taken time
out of his busy schedule to promote
vegan eating. Thanks to his new
plant-based diet, he's shed some pounds,
decreased his risk of future heart
problems, and spared the lives of many
Because he uses his
influence to promote the benefits of
following a vegan diet, PETA is pleased
to name Bill Clinton its 2010 Person of
the Year.
here to read the entire article
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Carlson: "Michael Vick should have been executed" |
Strong words and while execution might
be a bit extreme, I'm glad there are
still those in the media reminding the
public of the gruesome activities Vick
once participated in and thoroughly
Fox News
Fox analyst
Tucker Carlson gave the harshest
critique of Vick's past yet, saying the
Philadelphia Eagles quarterback "should
have been executed" for his gruesome
dogfighting crimes.
Carlson was
guest hosting for Sean Hannity's show on
Fox News Channel on Tuesday night when
he made the remarks. He led a panel
discussion about President Barack Obama
commending the owner of the Eagles for
giving Vick a second chance after his
release from prison. Vick served 18
months in federal prison for running a
dogfighting ring.
said: "Michael Vick killed dogs, and he
did (it) in a heartless and cruel way."
He added, "I think personally he should
have been executed for that."
here to read the entire article
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Beautiful Sculptures from
Dead Trees |
When some old cottonwood trees died and needed to be
removed, the city council in Craig, Colorado had a
wonderful idea. Instead of simply cutting them down,
they held a chainsaw competition and offered a prize
for the best tree sculpture. Check out some of the
beautiful animal sculptures & more by some very
talented artists. What a great public service!

Thanks, Chad Ochocinco |
Chad Ochocinco is known for making superstar plays on—and off—the
field. He hosts a football show with fellow Bengals teammate Terrell
Owens called the T. Ocho Show and
has set multiple franchise records for the team. He charmed viewers on
season 10 of Dancing With the Stars
and captured the hearts of lucky ladies on his own VH1 dating show
The Ultimate Catch. This NFL legend
is everywhere…and is now showing off everything! Chad, an avid animal
lover, posed nude for PETA’s iconic ‘Ink, Not Mink’ campaign to protest
the cruel fur industry and prove that he’d rather go naked than wear

Click here to read more
& view Chad's Video
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Killing of Calderon Dolphins for Pleasure in Denmark |
I found this cruel event
so deeply disturbing, it took two days before I was
able to publish this article. Thank you to
Ineke G. for bringing it to our attention.
In Denmark, there is an
annual event so horrifically savage and
cruel, it
is beyond comprehension. On Feroe
Island, it has become an act of celebration
to kill the Calderon dolphins that reach
their shores. These gentle dolphins are very
friendly and swim towards humans in an act
of pure friendship. They are greeted with
unconscionable cruelty. Young men
celebrating coming of age prove their
manhood by viciously slaughtering the
The killers are cheered as they
savagely beat them with thick hooks and listen as the
creatures cry in pain and die a slow, miserable death.
It is said that the cries of these dolphins sound very
much like the cries of an infant. As the dolphins
suffer, there is no sympathy and the people revel as the
beautiful creatures drown in their own blood.
Please help us stop this senseless
massacre by these heartless citizens of Denmark. Please
take a moment to write a letter of protest to the Crown
Prince & Princess and ask them to stop the cruelty on
their shores.
Court of TRH The Crown Prince (Frederik) and Crown
Princess ( Mary) of Denmark
Dogs Win Big with Historic Victory in Missouri |
The folks in
Missouri showed what they're made of on election day!
They voted yes on Proposition B: The Puppy Mill Cruelty
Prevention Act and voted no to being named the Puppy
Mill Capital of America.
Fed up
with their state’s reputation as the Puppy Mill Capital
of America, Missourians hit the polls on Election Day to
declare that enough is enough! On Tuesday, November 2,
voters in the Show Me State passed the Puppy Mill
Cruelty Prevention Act, which appeared on their ballots
as Proposition B. (Although policy reform is most often
generated through state legislatures, Prop B was a
citizen-supported initiative). It is an incredible
victory, and one we hope will send a strong message to
the governments of other states—namely, that the public
wants better conditions for puppy mill dogs, and will
take on the task of changing the law themselves if
elected officials fail to act.
In the
last three years, 15 states, including major puppy mill
states such as Iowa, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania, have
passed laws to crack down on puppy mills. However, in no
other state were the stakes higher for puppy mill dogs
than Missouri. Click here
to read more
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Heigl has a Heart of Gold |
This is an older article but worth
repeating - a lovely gesture by a lovely woman.
It's more than just puppy love.
Katherine Heigl is behind a $1 million initiative to
help no-cost spay and neuter programs in the Los Angeles
Jason Debus Heigl Foundation, named in memory of the
actress's late brother, will work with the Cesar
Millan's Millan Foundation, the City and County of Los
Angeles and various other organizations on the project,
called the
Compassion Revolution.
Heigl, who herself has six dogs, three of them rescues,
told PEOPLEPets.com at the press conference to announce
the pledge that she and her mother had felt hopeless and
overwhelmed by the pet population crisis in L.A. Over
50,000 of 80,000 shelter animals in Los Angeles County
were euthanized last year, according to the Heigl
Click here to read entire
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NUVAS is selling dogs for experimentation! |
probably think of an animal shelter as a safe haven
for homeless animals looking for a second chance at
a loving home. Tragically, many animals at
North Utah Valley Animal Shelter (NUVAS)
never get that opportunity.
PETA recently received 50 photos
of dogs NUVAS sold to the University of Utah for use
in cruel and deadly experiments. Some of the animals
sold to the university have holes drilled into their
skulls, their chests cut open and medical devices
implanted onto their hearts and hard plastic tubes
repeatedly forced down their throats.
NUVAS is the only animal shelter
in the state of Utah that continues to betray
animals in its care by selling them for
experimentation and it's time for the shelter to
stop this disgraceful practice of profiting at the
expense of these dogs.
See photos and read about Max (pictured
above) and other dogs who were denied a second
chance at a loving home and learn about what you can
do to help end this practice
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Cruelty Alert: Pets Suffering from Heatstroke in Parked
Cars |
As many parts of the
country struggle with
recent heat waves, we’ve
all seen the disturbing
news reports of pets,
mostly dogs, dying from
heatstroke as a result
of being left in parked
cars. Just last week, a
Bronx, NY, man left his
Maltese in his van—with
the windows
cracked—while he went
for a swim at a state
park. The temperature
inside the van climbed
to 140 degrees and
despite intervention by
park police, the dog
didn't survive.
on a relatively mild
85-degree day, it takes
only 10 minutes for the
interior of a car to
reach 102 degrees—and
within 30 minutes, the
inside of the car can be
a staggering 120
degrees. Leaving windows
open a few inches does
not help. Furthermore,
when it comes to the
body’s ability to cool
itself, canine
physiology is vastly
different from ours.
While humans have sweat
glands all over our
bodies that help
regulate our body heat,
dogs cool down mostly by
panting, which is much
less efficient than
sweating. In only a
short amount of time, a
dog with a high body
temperature can suffer
critical damage to his
nervous system, heart,
liver and brain.
14 states and many
municipalities have
enacted laws to address
the problem of animals
left in cars in extreme
temperatures. Under
these laws, police,
animal control agents,
peace officers and
others may be authorized
to enter a vehicle by
whatever means necessary
to remove an animal. “I
would recommend that if
your state doesn't have
a specific law
addressing animals left
in hot cars that you
still call law
enforcement, because it
may be considered animal
cruelty under your state
or local laws,” says
Jill Buckley, Senior
Director of ASPCA
Government Relations &
you’re out and about on
a hot day and see an
animal alone in a car,
you should immediately
try to find the car’s
owner. If you have no
luck, or if the owner
refuses to act, contact
local law enforcement
and/or animal control.
“The important thing is
to get the dog out of
the car, keeping in mind
that you shouldn’t put
your life in danger,
either!” says Buckley,
who keeps a few copies
of the ASPCA’s
Pets in Hot Cars flyer (pdf)
in her glovebox to give
out when appropriate.
Please print and
distribute these flyers
(pdf) in your
neighborhood to help
educate people about the
danger of leaving pets
in hot cars.
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Sanctuary Information |
Animal Sanctuary
Info is a resource site that
provides a wealth of information on
the growing need to protect animals
- both wild and domestic. You'll
find in-depth articles on animal
habitats, animal rights, bird
migrations and the current state &
future of sanctuaries for wildlife
and farm animals.
From ASI:
It is our belief that we on Earth
have been blessed with an incredible
biological and ecological heritage.
It is every generation’s
responsibility, as honorable
caretakers and knowledgeable
ecological inhabitants, to do
anything within our abilities to
help preserve and foster this
amazing gift: biodiversity in all
its glory and the splendid
fellowship of all other living
Click here
to visit Animal Sanctuary Info
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NASA Engineer Resigns to Protest Agency’s Monkey
Radiation Experiments |
today’s economy, it takes courage to walk away from a job. It takes
conviction if it’s the job you dreamt of since childhood. Recently,
April Evans left NASA when the agency refused to address her
concerns—and those of a growing number of scientists—about its misguided
plan to irradiate squirrel monkeys. Now, you can join Evans and ask NASA
to stop the cruel experiments.
Evans was faced with the obvious concerns about
animal research that has no applicability to human health when she
learned of NASA’s plan in January. NASA’s proposal to expose monkeys to
radiation to try to understand the effects of long-distance human
spaceflight is a prime example of this futile and frustrating research.
Evans’ decision to quit NASA, where she was an
engineer who worked on NASA’s International Space Station, has received
extensive coverage, including a story in the Houston Chronicle.
NASA’s current plans constitute a massive waste of
taxpayer dollars to study the effects of a few minutes of radiation
exposure on two-pound squirrel monkeys in a futile attempt to determine
the effects of months or years of space travel on 180-pound human
astronauts. That $1.75 million should be allocated toward modern
non-animal alternatives, such as anthropomorphic phantoms, which are
proven more accurate than animal experiments.
NASA has already conducted four decades of space
radiation experiments on nonhuman primates. But the research was halted
in 1990 because it failed to advance even the most basic safety aspects
of space travel. The reason is simple: Data derived from radiation
experiments in animals do not translate to humans.
A Hero in Every Sense of the Word |
These pictures, without the need for any words, tell the
entire story of kind, brave man who risked his life to save
a little pooch in trouble. I wish I knew his name -
just to publicly thank him. He is the kind of
person who renews our faith in human beings. What a
beautiful ending to what could have been a horrible tragedy!
*Click here to see all full-size
images on one page*
Please Buy
Animal Rescue Stamps |

The next time you purchase a book of stamps, please ask for the Animal
Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet design. They were just released on 04/30/10
and were created to help raise awareness of the need to find homes for
shelter pets. The cost is the same as traditional stamps. All 10 pets,
featured on the stamps, had been homeless at one time. Happily, nine of
them had been adopted at the time they were photographed. Hopefully, the
last one found a loving home as well. The USPS is also offering other
products such as mugs, mousepads, notecards and more. Perfect gifts for
the animal lovers in your life!
As an added bonus, Ellen Degeneres and Halo: Purely
for Pets will be donating a million meals to shelters across the
country. Halo manufactures a line of holistic, natural products
for dogs and cats. They are also a company with a big heart, always
lending a helping hand, whenever possible.
Read more about Halo: Purely for Pets
The stamps are available at all US Postal Stations and online at
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Well, at least he's not Georgia's problem
anymore.... |
Michael Scelia, 23, is a former Army sergeant and a
man who killed a puppy because it suited his mood. He picked up a
3-month old Papillon, named Oliver, by the face and twisted his neck
until he died. Scelia then left him on the bed for his girlfriend to find
when she returned home from the gym. This was in November of 2008.
On April 20, 2010, he pleaded no contest to charges
of aggravated cruelty to animals and a misdemeanor count of "simple"
battery. He was sentenced to three years' probation, 150 hours of
community service and an anger management course. Unfortunately,
the ADA, Michael Craig, agreed to allow Scelia to enter a "best
interest" plea. According to Scelia's defense attorney, a best
interest plea is a different kind of plea in which there is no admission
of guilt on record. And, since he pleaded as a first-time offender, this disgusting act of violence
will not appear on his record when he completes his probation and would
allow Scelia to rejoin the military. He must also stay away from
his former girlfriend and her mother. Additionally,
he is banished from Georgia except in counties adjacent to
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
Apparently, Scelia's anger and cruelty is
not only reserved for helpless, innocent puppies - there are
reports he was also accused of head-butting a woman in
January of 2009. And today, I received an email from a
family member of the victim which alleges she suffered
frequent beatings by Scelia and that he had made menacing threats against her mother.
While there is no mention of this abuse in any published
part of the sentence stipulates that he must stay away from
victim and her mother. This can only mean there was a
legitimate and immediate concern, on the court's part, for their safety.
The Assistant District Attorney states:
"We negotiated it in good faith. The advantages of our
sentence is he is banished."
I guess if he's someone else's problem,
that's a good thing.
Click here to read more about the Scelia case
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Richard Carpenter: Artist Extraordinaire |
Richard Carpenter is an artist with a knack for
making beautiful works of art out of stuff he
finds in the woods. The bears pictured below are
made from pine needles! Believe it or not,
hundreds of thousands of pine needles. It took
eight months to build the life sized bear. How
cool is that?

To make a living, Carpenter
carves antlers, wood and other materials - just
whatever he can find. Check out these moose
antler carvings.

Degeneres - A Force for Animals |

The absolutely
fabulous Ellen Degeneres gets her own comic!
Ellen's life is the subject of a new "Female Force"
comic book from Bluewater Productions. Plus, at
her request, 30% of the sales go to benefit The Humane
Society of the United States.
"The Ellen DeGeneres Show" has also been a force in
spreading the animal protection message and just won a
Genesis Award for Best Talk Show. (The
Genesis Awards will air on Animal Planet April 24-25).
You can help by purchasing
a copy at Barnes & Noble, Borders, at comic book stores
or online! Remember The HSUS will receive 30% of
the proceeds.
Ellen has been an animal
lover and activist for years and donates, not only her
time, but financially as well. And her generosity knows
no bounds. She has also helped to raise millions of
dollars for Brad Pitt's Make it Right Foundation which
helps aid the victims of Katrina in New Orleans.
Such kindness and generosity. We love you, Ellen, way to
Please visit
The Humane
Society of the United States
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Daddy, the
Magnificent Pit Bull |
From Cesar
Millan's Official Website:
In Memoriam: Daddy
the Pit Bull
Cesar Millan, all his family
and friends, his staff and
volunteers, and dog lovers
all around the world today
will mourn the passing of
one of the most loyal,
trusting, well-balanced, and
influential pit bull
ambassadors the world has
ever known. Daddy, Cesar’s
longtime friend and partner
in canine rehabilitation,
died peacefully surrounded
by family on Friday the 19th
of February. He was sixteen
years old.
He lived each day of those
sixteen years happy and
fulfilled as Cesar’s
right-hand-“man,” helping to
shape the behavior of entire
generations of dogs by
showing them the way to
balance. He stood as
champion for calm-submissive
pit bulls everywhere, and
was instrumental in helping
to repair their image as
violent, savage,
uncontrollable beasts. He
successfully battled cancer
and weathered chemotherapy,
and even got the opportunity
to present at the 56th
Annual Creative Arts Emmy
His name is now added to
that honorable roster of
dogs gone by whose influence
is still felt today, and
which includes some of
Cesar’s beloved childhood
heroes: "Rin-Tin-Tin."
"Lassie." … "Daddy."
He has been immortalized by
Dog Whisperer fans in all
mediums, from painting, to
photographs, to charcoal
drawings and papier-mâché
sculpture. And, of course,
he lives on in his work,
reflected in the balance and
calm-submission of his
protégé Junior, the
countless animals to whom he
was a positive role model,
and in the hearts and minds
of everyone who knew him as
a calm, sweet, and mellow
example of a widely
misunderstood breed.
In Loving Memory.
If you would like to honor Daddy’s memory and the contribution he made to improve the lives of other animals, you can make a donation to Daddy’s Emergency Animal Rescue Fund, which will provide assistance for dogs who are victims of abuse or violence, man-made disasters (hoarder and puppy mill rescues), and large-scale natural disasters (hurricanes, fires, and other natural catastrophes).
I have been a fan Cesar's
and Daddy's for many years
and am deeply saddened by
Daddy's passing. His
contribution to the change
in America's attitude
towards pit bulls is
immeasurable and he will be
missed. Our thoughts
go out to Cesar and his
So long, Daddy.
We'll see you again on
Rainbow Bridge!
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Help Stop
Animal Cruelty by the Department of Defense |
PCRM is pulling out all the stops to change the
Department of Defense (DOD) medical training programs.
They refuse to stop using and killing animals to train
military personnel.
Animals are being subjected to painful
procedures …monkeys are injected with
dangerous neurotoxins … pigs are shot, cut
and burned … goats’ limbs are cut off one by
one. |
PCRM won’t stand for this. And I hope you won’t
Please sign our petition to Defense Secretary Robert
Gates. Tell him you oppose the DOD’s
methods—which train personnel with outdated methods and
kill animals in the process.
Together, we’ve steadily been making progress on this
critical campaign. Thousands of PCRM supporters already
flooded Congress with petitions—asking them to demand
the use of humane training methods by our DOD.
And, we know Congress is listening. PCRM now has the
support of more than a dozen influential members of
Congress who are already taking action.
Yet, there is NO reason that Secretary Gates can’t
change the DOD’s policies today! Animals may be dying as
you read this. It just isn’t right.
So please sign the petition today.
With all of us working together, we’ll send a loud
and clear message that it’s time to do the right
thing—the ethical thing—for animals and our troops.
Thank you for your help,
A Note From the ASPCA |
In 2009, the ASPCA was at the forefront of
powerful efforts to rescue animals from
abuse, pass humane legislation and share
resources with shelters nationwide. As you
know, it’s only with the strong commitment
of compassionate supporters like you that we
can achieve far-reaching and long-lasting
progress in animal welfare.
But our work is far from over—we still
need your help. As the new year marches
toward us,
here are some more ways to lend a hand to
animals in need.
Shop Your Favorite Stores Online
This holiday, shop online at We-Care.com,
and a portion of your gift purchases will be
donated to the ASPCA. Or check out the
ASPCA Online Store,
where all your hard-earned cash will go
directly to support our life-saving
“Regift the Fruitcake!”
Bake a virtual fruitcake and send it off to
your friends and family
for a creative way to help raise funds for
your charity of choice—the ASPCA, of course!
Surprise Loved Ones with an Honor
The ASPCA Holiday Honor Gift is a wonderful
way to celebrate—and give the gift of life
for animals in need! It’s not just for
December, either; you can give birthday or
wedding honor gifts all year long.
Volunteer for Animals in Your
Bring some holiday cheer to homeless animals
in your community by volunteering at a local
shelter or educating the public on animal
welfare issues.
Visit ASPCA.org for a complete list of ways
to support the ASPCA and our nation’s
animals in 2010. |
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Tony &
October Gonzalez for PETA |
With much admiration,
we give our thanks to this lovely couple for publicly opposing fur.
PETA's Good News for Animals with Magpie &
Sherlock |
As a result of PETA's
Dollar General, a retailer with more than 8,500 stores
in the U.S., has agreed to stop selling cruel glue
After PETA argued for the replacement of animals in
erysipelas vaccine testing,
the U.S.
Department of Agriculture announced that it will delete
three outdated, painful animal test methods and give
preference to two tests that do not use animals.
The hit television show Dancing With the
Stars cut a segment featuring a chimpanzee
after PETA informed
producers about the abuse that animals in entertainment
so often endure during their "training."
eye-catching demonstrations and colorful campaigns help
to show tens of thousands of people every day that
animals have rights, but it is our lifesaving rescue
work—work that could not be done without your
support—that helps to make their rights a reality.
to members, PETA caseworkers have been able to respond
to more than 15,000 calls for animals in need over the
last year alone. While the stories that they hear about
animal abuse and neglect are often heartbreaking, many
of them do have a happy ending. One such story involves
a sweet little dog named Magpie.
Magpie was once as thin as a rail, and she was infected
with parasites because her so-called "guardians" had
neglected her. After suffering this abuse, she was
eventually thrown from a moving van into oncoming
traffic. Had it not been for the attention of passing
motorists, she very likely would have been struck soon
after being thrown out like a discarded fast-food
Luckily for Magpie, her rescuer contacted a PETA staffer
for help. Soon after meeting the playful pup, that same
staffer became so smitten with the sweet little dog that
Magpie was welcomed as part of quite possibly the first
loving home that she had ever known.
Under the watchful eye of her new family, Magpie has
made a full recovery from her ailments, and she now
spends her days romping with her cat friend, Dusty, and
playfully kissing her two horse friends on the nose. She
is crazy about kids, too, and she often follows baby
carriages—dragging her guardian along with her—so that
she can say hello!
isn't the only animal PETA has helped "behind the
scenes." From helping to find a safe and loving home for
an abandoned pig whom they named Sherlock (that's him on
the right with PETA's Cruelty Investigations Department
Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch) to working with
biology instructors to end dissection at a North
Carolina community college, PETA staffers work
diligently every day, doing everything they can to help
animals. None of their efforts would be possible without
support of donors.
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Please Help Tonka & Luna from Ringling Bros Circus Abuse |
Tonka & Luna - Petition
more about Tonka & Luna and other circus animals
here to see Ringling
Bros Circus Cruelty
Animals are Not Ours for Entertainment!
the scenes, elephant trainer Tim Frisco instructs would-be
trainers how to dominate elephants and make them perform
circus tricks. “Sink that hook into ’em. When you hear that
screaming, then you know you got their attention.” An
elephant trumpets in agony as Frisco’s bullhook, with its
sharp metal hook and spiked end, tears through her sensitive
skin. Frisco, a Carson & Barnes elephant trainer, learned
the trade from his father, a former trainer for Ringling
Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.
Click here to watch the video.
The fact is, animals do not naturally ride bicycles, stand
on their heads, balance on balls or jump through rings of
fire. To force them to perform these confusing and
physically uncomfortable tricks, trainers use whips, tight
collars, muzzles, electric prods, bullhooks and other
painful tools of the trade.
We applaud trapeze artists, jugglers, clowns, tightrope
walkers, and acrobats, but let’s leave animals in peace.
Sweden, Austria, Costa Rica, India, Finland, and Singapore
have all banned or restricted the use of animals in
entertainment—it’s time for the U.S. to do the same.
Circuses.com |
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Allyson Siegel is Our Hero! |
Siegel, a North Carolina woman with a heart of gold,
saved a poor little puppy with five legs from a life of
certain loneliness and sadness in a Coney Island Freak
Show. Upon hearing the puppy's owner, Calvin
Owensby, was selling her to John Strong, owner of a
Freak Museum for $3,000, she offered Owensby $4,000.
Owensby accepted her offer after realizing Strong owned
a Freak Show and not an amazing animals farm as he had
been led to believe.
Ms. Siegel not only gave the puppy a new
lease on life, she also gave her a new name.
Originally named Precious, she is now renamed Lilly.
Lilly was born with an extra leg growing out of her
abdomen between her hind legs which will be removed
within a few weeks.
"I saw her and she's so adorable and I
felt like I needed to be an advocate for her because she
can't speak," Siegel said. "It just broke my heart. I
needed to see if there was something I could do. She is
beautiful, she's not a freak, she's a normal little
puppy dog and she should be just like all the others."
And on another happy note, a Manhattan
veterinarian was so touched by Allyson Siegel's
kindness, he offered to remove the Lilly's extra leg
free of charge. Dr. Neil Shaw, co-owner of NYC
Veterinary Specialists on W. 55th St. said he would give
Lilly an evaluation and plan the surgery.
Siegel was thrilled with the news of Dr.
Shaw's generosity. She had been informed by her own
vet that it would charge $2,000 to perform the
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Snowie: A
Success Story |
Meet Snowie,
a charming little dog who was suffering from mange and
sunburn when she was rescued. Mange is a parasitic
infestation of the skin of animals. The common symptoms
of mange include itching, inflammation and hair loss.
She is completely white (Albinism) with very light eyes
and is very sensitive to the sun's rays. Though her eyes
are an uncommon color, she is able to see just fine.
is about a year old and loves to cuddle and play.
While the volunteers at Animal Life Sibiu, in Romania,
did the best they could to provide this special
dog's needs, they were hoping for an opportunity to
find her a home in which she could receive better treatment,
food and protection from the sun. Luckily, some kind
folks from Germany have adopted Snowie and will give her
a good home with all the personal and medical attention
she needs.

Snowie is very lucky indeed - many sweet, unfortunate
dogs never find a loving home. Romania Animal
Rescue helped Snowie and hundreds of other strays find
homes or, at least, live out their days with food,
shelter and the companionship in the kennels. However,
this is expensive and they receive very little
assistance from the Romanian government and need
donations from private citizens to continue their work.
If you have
questions or would like to make a donation, please
Practical Guide to Animal Rights |
Many of us
who are interested in animal rights have seen bookstores chock full of
philosophical essays about animals, vegetarian , and a plethora
of activism guides, but there has never been one book that was all about
animal rights, PETA style—until now.
The PETA Practical Guide to Animal Rights: Simple Acts of Kindness to
Help Animals in Trouble, the new book by PETA President and
cofounder Ingrid E. Newkirk.
The PETA Practical Guide to Animal Rights
is an exciting step-by-step, issue-by-issue guide for effectively
advocating for animals in your daily life. In this book, you will learn
all about how PETA began, read the real life stories of animals who have
been saved and animals who have been lost, learn how to eat healthfully
and compassionately, read the reasons why it's vital to adopt animals
rather than support puppy mills, learn how to make your vote count and
change public opinion and how to switch easily to cruelty-free cosmetics
and clothing, and find many more terrific suggestions for living an
animal-friendly lifestyle.
Compassionate celebrities are singing the praises of this complete, all
encompassing work:
"This book is the ultimate animal
rights encyclopedia—chock-full of facts and resources that will
guide you at home, in the marketplace, in life." Woody
"A terrific book that uplifts you by showing you there are easy,
sensible, clear ways to help animals that you might never have
dreamt of." Martin Sheen
you're a long-time activist looking for inspiration or new to the world
of compassionate living, this book invites you to become the best
advocate for animals that you can possibly be. This is animal
rights the PETA way and the perfect way to help neighbors, friends, and
family "get it."
Order your copy today, and then let us know what animal rights means
to you by
posting your comment on PETA.org.
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Comments from Readers on Celebrity Fur Hags |
Here are a few comments
from our readers on the
celebrity fur issue:
Jamie, Oregon: "I am
quite shocked you
listed Kate Hudson
as a fur wearer. She
seems to be such a
free-spirit and
hippie chick, I
would have thought
it would make her
sick to wear fur. No
more of her rom-coms
for me!"
B.W. San Diego, CA -
"You listed three
associated with
Kabbalah. Madonna,
Demi Moore and
Ashton Kutcher.
Makes me wonder if
there's a
BBPow - "Sharon
Stone is well known
for her charity
work. It is too bad
it does not extend
to animals."
Saracita B., NYNY -
"I never liked that
phony Beyonce and
wasn't the least bit
surprised to see her
name on your list."
GBW - "Here's one
more reason to hate
Ashton Kutcher.
Isn't his 15 minutes
up yet?"
Juanita J.,
Albuquerque - "I
used to wear fur
until I saw a
terrible video
online of how they
kill the animals. I
wish I could send
them a copy."
This particular
article seemed to touch
a lot of readers. Thanks
to everyone who took the
time to write.
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Boycott Ringling
Bros Circus! |
I know this has been
said before but it's
just too important not
to reiterate.
Please boycott Ringling
Bros or any circus that
uses trained animals in
their shows. Many
of these unfortunate
animals live a sad,
brutal and painful life
- for the amusement of
paying customers.
The circus personnel
have been filmed again
and again, by PETA and
ASPCA, chaining and
beating these animals
into submission.
ANIMALS! The elephants
you and your children
see may have recently
been beaten, starved or
had their babies taken
away to force them to do
the tricks that delight
the uninformed.
These majestic animals
deserve better and human
beings with hearts are
the only ones who can
help them. Please
do your part to stop
this cruel, inhumane
treatment of circus
animals. Just
don't buy tickets - it's
that simple. If they
can't make money off the
backs of their animals,
they will have to stop.
Click here to see for
yourself just how cruel
Ringling Bros is!
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Can You Help Edi &
Cleo? |
Edi and Cleo, and our friend Daniela from Braila. Daniela found Edi
and Cleo, without their mother, abandoned when they were 1 week old,
in April. Their eyes weren't even open.Daniela bottle-fed them
and nursed them to health, and now needs to find homes for them.
They are wonderful little puppies. They have received their first 2
sets of vaccinations, and will be spayed if anyone can find a home
for them.
I have found a great animal transport service that will send the
two to the USA for $950. I know this is a lot of money, especially
now. All Daniela can do is hope.
Can anyone help?
We've each had our special experience with animals and with
saving a particularly special one. Daniela just wants to best for
her two puppies, whom she cherishes.
Thank you. Romania Animal Rescue donors are the most
compassionate of people and I'm hoping we can find a solution to
this special circumstance.
Nancy Janes, President, CEO and Founder
Romania Animal Rescue, Inc. (United States, Tax ID: 72-1546354) and
Romania Animal Rescue Foundation (Romania)
Donations are
tax-deductible and can be sent by check or online through
PayPal. For payment by check, please address it to:
Romania Animal Rescue, Inc,
8000 Morgan Territory Rd
Livermore, CA 94551
For secure online
payments, please visit our website,
www.romaniaanimalrescue.com, and click on the Donations
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These Cruel Celebrities
Wear Fur! |
are some of the names of
celebrities who choose
to wear the skins of
animals as body decor.
Please boycott any
projects they are
involved with until they
stop wearing the fur of
animals who are raised
and brutally killed
strictly for the purpose
of providing furs for
uncaring fur hags and
ogres. Let's not help them
finance their bloody
taste in clothing.
Delightful Cat
Lovers eCard |
I received this ecard
from a friend and it's
just too cute not to
share. It's a gorgeous
card designed by the
incomparable Jacquie
Lawson. It will be of
particular interest to
cat lovers but will
delight everyone! Her
usually includes animals
so check out her other
cards while you're
there. They're fabulous!

Click here to view the
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Vick Back in Bankruptcy Court |
Admitted dog torturer/killer Michael
Vick is back in bankruptcy court
in Norfolk, Virginia. He is there
to provide the courts with a new
bankruptcy plan. Apparently, the
old one had him wanting to keep his many
vehicles and two expensive homes.
The judge rejected his first plan ruling
that he should sell some of these items
to pay his debts.
Naturally, the disgraced former NFL
quarterback doesn't want to sell HIS
possessions to pay HIS bills. No,
Vick just wants to be relieved of his
debts so he doesn't have to pay them.
Doesn't matter if his debtors might need their money as well. No, this is all
about Michael Vick. He should step up like
a man and pay his financial debts, but,
of course, he probably won't do that.
We'll see what he comes up with this
Vick is under house arrest until
07/20/09 when he will be released from
federal custody. It is not known at this
time if the NFL will lift his suspension
and allow him to return.
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The Polar
Bear Needs Our Help - Please Support NRDC |
DioGuardi of 'American Idol' is an 'Angel for Animals' |
thank you to Kara and PETA for all they do
for animals....Angels indeed.
Kara DioGuardi does it all. She's a
singer, a songwriter, a record producer, and
a judge on one of TV's hottest shows,
American Idol. Now the woman
behind the lyrics of some of today's most
popular songs is using her voice to speak up
for animals.
The multi-talented
DioGuardi and her adorable canine
companion, Tikki, are starring in PETA's
newest "Angel for Animals" ad to help spread
the word about the way that dogs and other
animals should be treated.
So what exactly do Kara and Tikki want
you to know? Well, for starters, they want
you to be sensitive to the needs of animals,
and not just the ones you share your home
with. "Be aware when you see an animal in
the street [who's] wounded or one [who]
looks lost. Just check its tags, call the
owner and just be aware," she says.
And when it comes to your animal
companions, make them part of your family.
Dogs and cats depend on you to take care of
them, which doesn't just mean slapping a
bowl of food on the floor in the morning
when you run out the door.
They deserve your time and attention
every day, so play with them, take them
on long walks,
always spay and neuter, and never crate
them, chain them, or allow them to roam
around outside without supervision. Remember
that having a dog or cat is a lifelong
commitment that should not be taken lightly.
As Kara says, "They're really sweet,
precious souls, and they need to be treated
accordingly." Find out what else Kara had to
say during her photo shoot.
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Michael Vick Released from
Prison |

Now on to a monster with the soul of the devil
himself : Michael Vick.
Source: PETA
Michael Vick was released from prison early this
morning after less than two years behind bars and is
headed back to Hampton, Virginia, where
he'll serve the final two months of his sentence under
house arrest.
In January, after a U.S. Department of Agriculture
report on Vick's dogfighting activities revealed that
Vick had enjoyed placing family pets in the ring with
the pit bulls he'd bred, raised, and trained to fight,
PETA called on NFL Commissioner Goodell to require that
Vick undergo a full psychological evaluation before
any decisions were made about the future of his football
Until Michael Vick undergoes the rigorous psychiatric
tests now available to determine his ability to
experience remorse, there's no way to establish whether
he will reoffend. Someone who trained dogs to torture
and kill one another for sport, who drowned and hanged
dogs who wouldn't fight, and who laughed while watching
his own family dogs fight for their lives as they were
maimed and finally killed does not deserve to be
rewarded with a multimillion-dollar contract or be given
the privilege to serve as a role model to millions of
children. PETA will not take anything off the table when
it comes to any team or league that may sign Michael
In the meantime, PETA has increased our efforts to
get other athletes on board to speak out against
dogfighting. Houston Rockets forward
Ron Artest, mixed martial arts fighter
Tito Ortiz and world welterweight champion
"Sugar" Shane Mosley, who shot an anti-dogfighting
ad for PETA this week, have all spoken out against this
cruel and illegal blood sport.
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ASPCA Rescues 300 Animals from a "Trusted Sanctuary" |
I received this
letter from ASPCA.
Please help if you can.
Wisconsin Animal Sanctuary Raid: ASPCA Rescues Over 300

Tuesday morning, May 19, the ASPCA was on hand in Cazenovia, WI,
to assist in the raid of an animal sanctuary, the Thyme and Sage
Ranch. The ASPCA Forensic Cruelty Investigation and Disaster
Response teams, as well as our Mobile Crime Scene Investigation
(CSI) Unit, are currently working alongside the Richland County
Sheriff’s Department to collect evidence and evaluate the
animals found at the site.

“We are just starting to scratch the surface of what appears to
be a horrendous situation,” says ASPCA Disaster Response Team
member Sandy Monterose.
Since 2007, the ranch has held the animal control contract for
Richland County, WI, and acted as the county’s animal shelter.
The ASPCA became involved in the raid at the request of the
Richland County District Attorney and Dane County Humane
Society, which began investigating the Thyme and Sage Ranch
because of public complaints.
of now, animals continue to be examined both on the scene and in
the ASPCA Mobile CSI Unit.
Unfortunately, our work is far from over. While these animals
are finally receiving the care they need and deserve, there are
still countless others who need our help.
Your support makes it possible for the ASPCA to travel the
country and rescue animals from horrendous conditions like
It is your generosity that allows our experts to assist national
and local law enforcement agencies in their efforts to build
cases against and prosecute animal cruelty offenders.
With your
donation today,
we can send a message to those who would harm animals: “We will
stop you!”'
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Whales in Danger! |
I received this
letter from NRDC.
Please help if you can.
I have important news: our courtroom campaign to protect whales
from the Navy's deadly sonar systems is headed to the
U.S. Supreme Court.
At the request of the Bush Administration, the Court has agreed
to consider whether the Navy can sidestep key environmental laws
during its sonar exercises off the Southern California coast.
The case will be heard this fall.
As you know, a federal district judge and a federal appeals
court have both sided with NRDC, ruling unanimously that
the Navy must put environmental safeguards in place.
They also affirmed that no government agency is above the law.
The New York Times recently editorialized in support of
our position. (You can read excerpts from that editorial below.)
Tens of thousands of dolphins and whales, including endangered
blue whales, could be harmed by Navy sonar off the coast of
Southern California if the Bush Administration gets its way.
Despite the fact that common-sense sonar precautions will not
compromise our country's military readiness, the Bush
Administration will not take NO for an answer.
It won't be thwarted by the fact that federal judges
have already rejected these security claims as exaggerated and
It won't be swayed by the fact that NATO and the Australian Navy
require similar precautions.
Nor will it heed the Navy's own estimates that these
drills could disturb or injure nearly 170,000 marine animals
-- and cause permanent injury to more than 450 whales.
Thanks to your past support, we've won major courtroom victories
in our decades-long campaign to reduce damage from the Navy's
dangerous sonar systems. And with your help, we intend to do
everything possible to win this momentous Supreme Court battle.
I'll be sure to keep you informed as events unfold in this
historic case, which has broad implications beyond the sonar
issue, because it raises the fundamental question of whether the
military and the White House can unilaterally flout our
country's environmental laws.
You know where we stand on that issue. We will mount a vigorous
defense aimed at safeguarding whales along America's coastlines
and making sure that our environmental laws are not undermined
by this or any other Administration.
Thank you for standing with us in this long, uphill fight for
our planet's whales.
donate here.
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Pet Food Product
Recalls |
Peanut Corporation of America Provides Further
Information Regarding Recalled Products
The Peanut Corporation of
America (PCA) has announced that because of its
bankruptcy proceedings, it is no longer able to
communicate with customers of recalled products.
PCA customers should contact
FDA recall coordinators regarding the proper
disposition of recalled products.
This list includes pet food subject to recall in
the United States since January 2009 related to
peanut products distributed by Peanut
Corporation of America. This list will be
updated as new information is received. The
information is current as of the date indicated.
Once included, all human and pet food recalls
will remain listed. If we learn that any
information is not accurate, we will revise the
list as soon as possible. When available, this
database also includes photos of recalled human
and pet food products that have been voluntarily
submitted by recalling firms to the FDA to
assist the public in identifying those products
that are subject to recall.
Good News from PETA!
Adidas and Other Fashion Industry Leaders Boycott Wool
From Mutilated Sheep
Following discussions with PETA, global retail giants
Adidas and Perry Ellis International and
major European retailer IC Companys have pledged
not to use wool from farmers who perform the mulesing
mutilation. Mulesing—a cruel attempt to prevent maggot
infestations, which could be humanely controlled with
other methods - is a gruesome procedure in which gardening
shears are used to cut chunks of skin and flesh off
lambs' backsides without any painkillers. HUGO BOSS—which
has more than 1,000 stores worldwide—has also pledged to
be 100 percent mulesed-wool-free in less than two years.
With these new pledges, PETA has gained more clout in
our campaign to reform the wool industry and improve the
lives of the millions of sheep who face mutilation for
the sake of a sweater or a pair of socks. |
KFC Canada Reaches Historic Agreement With PETA;
Pressure Builds on KFC in Other Countries to Adopt
Far-Reaching Changes to Reduce Animal Suffering
months of negotiations, PETA has won a pledge from
KFC Canada to phase in the exclusive purchase of
chickens from suppliers who use a less cruel slaughter
method called controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK). The
current method of slaughter used by most KFC suppliers
worldwide—during which birds are often maimed and
scalded while still conscious—involves electric
paralysis and throat-cutting.
PETA has also convinced Popeye's, Chipotle Mexican
Grill, Burger King, Safeway, Carl Jr.'s, Hardee's,
and other companies to give purchasing preference to CAK
There's even an extra bonus for customers: Per our
agreement, KFC Canada will provide its customers with a
cruelty-free option—saving countless birds—by offering a
vegan faux-chicken menu item at the majority of
its restaurants!
The agreement with KFC Canada also adds growing pressure
to KFC in the U.S. and other countries around the world
to adopt similar reforms. To date, PETA has organized
more than 12,000 demonstrations at KFC outlets, and our
campaign against the companies' worst atrocities will
continue until its global parent company, YUM! Brands,
agrees to follow its Canadian counterpart. |
Major Grocery Chain Harris Teeter Says 'No!' to Ringling
Southeastern grocery chain Harris Teeter
confirmed that it will not enter into future
partnerships with circuses that use live animals. The
announcement followed discussions with PETA about how
the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus forces
animals to perform confusing, painful and often
dangerous tricks by beating the animals with fists,
sticks, whips and steel-tipped bullhooks. Other
corporations that have dropped their associations with
Ringling as a result of PETA pressure include Denny's,
MasterCard, Visa, Liz Claiborne and Sears, Roebuck & Co. |
Leading Medical School in Taiwan Cancels Cruel Animal
PETA provided the National Taiwan University College of
Medicine—Taiwan's leading medical school—with
information about sophisticated non-animal teaching
methods, the school canceled its pharmacology
experiments. In the experiments, students were asked to
inject the toxic chemical strychnine into mice, watch
the animals convulse in agony, and record the animals'
times of death. The school also canceled an experiment
in which mice were injected with a poison that causes
loss of muscular control before they were forced onto a
balancing rod. Brain surgeries on living frogs were
canceled as well. We are now working on persuading the
school to join more than 100 other medical schools that
have completely ended the use of animals for
undergraduate medical training. |
Starz Media Stops Using Live Animals in Ads
a direct result of PETA pressure, prominent New
York-based ad company Starz Media changed its
plans to use a live chimpanzee to promote the animated
movie Space Chimps. Also, MovieTickets.com—the
leader in the online movie-ticket business—has recently
ended its use of chimpanzees in advertisements as a
result of discussions with PETA. |
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News Alert from the
Puppy Mill Reform Bill Scores a Victory!
Trying to shake the state’s reputation as the
“Puppy Mill Capital of the East,” the
Pennsylvania House Agriculture Committee has
passed a bill that would make sweeping changes
to the dog law. Next stop—a vote by the full PA
House of Representatives. |
ASPCA Aids Animal Victims of Midwest Flooding
Severe flooding in the Midwest United States has put
shelters in crisis mode—but the ASPCA is helping them
keep their heads above water and assist local citizens
and pets.
Get 'Em While You Can: ASPCA Travel Gear at
Starting today, Wal-Marts across the U.S. will feature
select items from the ASPCA’s innovative line of pet
travel and safety gear. Check to see if we’re in a store
near you.
Holding Out for Your Heroes
The ASPCA is putting out a last call for extraordinary
animal-loving people and heroic pets for the 2008 ASPCA
Humane Awards program. Please nominate your hero—human
or furry—before the July 15 deadline.
Equine Lovers, Wild Horse Sanctuary Needs Help
Drought-like conditions and rising costs have created a
hay crisis in the West. Return to Freedom, the American
wild horse sanctuary in Lompoc, CA, urgently needs your
help. |
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Please Sign a Petition for Animals In Dickerson Park Zoo |
Source: PETA
There's a reason animals in most zoos look so sad. Few zoos can even
begin to meet animals' complex needs. Animals in zoos are denied
everything that is natural and important to them, and they're confined
to enclosures that are infinitely smaller than the open spaces they
would inhabit in their real homes in the wild. In 2004, zoologists at
Oxford University confirmed what those of us who have paused to consider
animals' plights have always known: Animals suffer in captivity.
Polar bears, lions, tigers, elephants, cheetahs, and other animals who
might roam hundreds of miles if their lives were uninterrupted by humans
become neurotic in zoos. Their constant pacing, rocking, and
self-mutilation are signs that they are deeply stressed and miserable.
Zoo defenders like to claim that these facilities serve some sort of
noble conservation purpose. But the truth is that zoos serve merely to
exploit exotic animals to draw visitors to the zoo, which saps funding
from genuine preservation and conservation efforts. Zoos only teach
people that it's acceptable to confine and deprive animals for the sake
of entertainment.
Zoos know that nothing brings in paying visitors faster than newborn
animals. But their greed-motivated breeding programs—which often
operate under the guise of "species preservation"—lead to the problem of
what to do with less crowd-pleasing adult animals. Zoos have solved
that by routinely disrupting bonds and loving relationships among adult
animals by trading away, lending out, selling off, bartering, and
warehousing the animals that they no longer want.
PETA needs your help to expose the disgusting practices that are routine
in these animal prisons. It is up to us to make sure that people know
the misery that animals suffer in captivity so that people can make
informed decisions. By donating online to PETA today, you'll help
us put pressure on zoos to become honest sanctuaries or close down.
You'll help us educate the ticket-buying public about why people who
truly love animals shouldn't patronize zoos.
With your support, PETA will pressure the Association of Zoos and
Aquariums (AZA) to pull its accreditation from zoos that engage in
outright cruelty to animals. We recently discovered that the Dickerson
Park Zoo in Springfield, Mo., has sold or "donated" a giraffe, a kudu,
five kangaroos, and two deer to Buddy Jordan—a notorious animal dealer
who sells animals to exotic-animal auctions and breeders, unaccredited
zoos, and even hunting ranches.
Babies born at the zoo should not end up as trophies on a hunter's
wall. By taking action today, you can help us pressure zoos
everywhere to provide a safe environment for the animals entrusted to
their care. Please take a moment to do the following:
Thank you for supporting PETA's efforts to stop animals from being
captured or bred for these pitiful prisons.
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A Major
Victory in PETA's KFC Campaign |
have great news! Thanks to the help of PETA's more than 2 million
members and supporters,
we've just scored a major victory for chickens killed by fast-food
chain KFC.
Following more than five years of intense campaigning, numerous
undercover investigations, and over 12,000 demonstrations against
KFC around the world, I'm happy to announce that KFC Canada will
be making sweeping changes to the ways it raises and kills chickens
slaughtered for its restaurants.
KFC Canada agreed to this historic new animal welfare plan following
seven months of closed-door negotiations with PETA. With today's
announcement, the company plans to do the following:
Phase in purchases of 100 percent of its
chickens from suppliers that use controlled-atmosphere killing
(CAK)—the least cruel form of poultry slaughter ever
developed. KFC Canada is the first major restaurant chain to
commit to phasing in the exclusive purchasing of chicken meat
from CAK slaughterhouses.
Make a vegan faux-chicken item available at the majority
of KFC restaurants in Canada. -
Improve its animal welfare criteria to reduce the number
of broken bones and other injuries suffered by birds. -
Urge its suppliers to adopt better practices, including
improved lighting, lower stocking density and ammonia levels and
a phaseout of growth-promoting drugs and breeding practices that
painfully cripple chickens. -
Form an animal welfare advisory panel to monitor the
changes and recommend further advancements.
However, outside Canada, KFC has yet to stop the worst abuses of
chickens. We are now focusing on using this momentum to force
KFC—both in the United States and around the world—to meet the new
standards set by KFC Canada.
By making an urgent donation today, you can help our
campaign work to spread these improvements for animals to all of
KFC's stores worldwide.
In short, PETA's KFC campaign is far from over. We will
continue to pressure KFC to stop the worst abuses of chickens, like
scalding birds to death, slitting their throats while they're still
conscious and drugging and breeding them to grow so large that they
cripple beneath their own weight.
Please write to KFC in the U.S. using its
online comment form
urging it to make the same changes worldwide that KFC Canada has
made. Please also take a moment to e-mail info@priszm.com (KFC
Canada's parent company) and thank them for raising the bar on
animal welfare.
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Mistreatment of Animals by the Leather Industry - Please Help! |
I received this email
from PETA and, as always, I am disgusted and heartbroken to hear
of the continuing inhumane treatment of animals for human
pleasure. Please help if you can.
You can help animals around the
world who are cruelly mistreated by the leather industry by
making a special gift to PETA.
We have video footage documenting horrible conditions for cows,
pigs, goats, and sheep—and even dogs and cats—in the leather
industry. Animals are condemned to deplorable living conditions,
deprived of food and water, transported in small cages, and
crammed onto trucks. At slaughterhouses, they watch as other
animals are skinned—often while still alive—and await the same
gruesome fate.
Most leather is produced in developing countries where there are
no effective animal protection laws whatsoever. Six years after
a PETA investigation into the Indian leather industry prompted
the Indian government to promise to improve conditions for
animals killed for their skin, we have influenced many major
retailers to turn away from Indian leather—yet so very much
suffering still occurs. Animals are still grotesquely abused in
ways that violate Indian law and all standards of dignity and
humanity. We cannot let this continue.
PETA's investigators have seen cows have their throats cut with
blunt instruments and be painfully castrated, dehorned, and
branded—all without painkillers of any kind. At the end of their
miserable lives, these gentle animals are hung upside-down, bled
to death, skinned, and dismembered—for example, their hooves are
cut off—often while they are still conscious.
But you can take important steps today to reduce this suffering.
To start with, please pledge never to buy or wear any more
leather products. Believe me, there are great alternatives
available. And if you're as serious as I am about stopping the
abuses inflicted by the leather industry,
please make an online donation to PETA,
the one animal rights organization whose influence extends
across borders.
PETA is now leading a worldwide campaign to stop animal abuse in
the leather industry. But we need your help. We're taking on
industry leaders in the United States and overseas, serving as
the only advocate for these abused animals. If we are to win
significant relief for animals—and we've won countless battles
against the factory-farming and fur industries already-we need
you by our side.
Please give as generously as you possibly can to PETA today.
Your tax-deductible donation is a ray of hope for animals
everywhere who are suffering so that people can wear their
Kind regards,
Ingrid E. Newkirk
P.S. The leather industry is abusing cows, pigs, sheep, and
other wonderful animals and even skinning them alive. But PETA
members have saved animals from cruelty before, and
with your kind support today,
we can do it again. Thank you.
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Don't Give Animals as
Christmas Gifts |
Christmas is just around
the corner and it is also the season for unwanted pets, received as
gifts, to get dumped at the local animal shelters. Please don't
give live animals as gifts unless you are 100% sure it will be a
welcomed gift. While it is cute and amusing to see a small pup or kitten
with a bow on it beneath the tree, they grow up to be dogs and cats and
the cuteness turns into responsibility. Some families don't have the
time, inclination or resources to care for them and it is the animals
who will suffer the consequences. While some animals do end up in
other homes, others live a sad and lonely life and are then euthanized.
There are so many other options for gifts so please, please, please -
just DON'T do it!!
On the Other Hand.... |
If you do know, for a
fact, that a pet would be a welcomed gift...please choose an animal from
a shelter. There are so many that need a good home. There
are dogs and cats of every breed and mix. A mixed-breed animal is just
as fine a pet as an AKC bred animal. They are smart and loyal and
just want a family to love and be loved in return. Please check your local
shelter before shopping a pet store. You will take an unwanted animal with
absolutely nothing and give him/her the gift of a
warm and happy forever home.
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list |
The NRDC Needs Our
Help for Polar Bears |
Source NRDC
I received this email from NRDC asking for signatures to
help the Polar Bears - Please take a moment to sign.
Thank you.
We're sending this
Polar Bear SOS Card to the White House in just a few
days -- and we need 15,500 more online signatures.
Can you
add your name now? With their future in the Bush
Administration's hands, polar bears need every one of us to
show our support for their protection.
Help give polar bears the gift of a future on our
planet by signing this
Holiday SOS Card to President Bush in support of their
protection under the Endangered Species Act.
Please add your name to the card right now -- because
the polar bear can't wait. Within the next 30 days, the Bush
Administration will either throw polar bears a lifeline --
or condemn them to extinction.
Without urgently needed protection, all of Alaska's
polar bears could be extinct in less than 50 years
-- along with two-thirds of the world's entire polar bear
But there is still hope if the Bush Administration
takes action now.
That's why we are asking you -- and everyone who cares about
polar bears -- to
help us add 100,000 signatures to this Polar Bear Holiday
SOS Card. When you do, you'll be sending President Bush
a message loud and clear during this holiday season:
Save Polar Bears Now! It's easy:
just add your name and click.
Together, we must create a nationwide show of support for
polar bears in the next 30 days -- because a North Pole
without polar bears is simply unthinkable.
Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council
P.S. Keep in mind that the Bush Administration often saves
its worst environmental decisions for the busy holiday
season -- hoping the American people won't notice. That's
why we're asking you to
sign the Holiday SOS Card now. Help put the White House
on notice that we're watching -- and expecting a decision in
favor of polar bear protection.
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list |
Mobile Animal Crime Scene Investigation Unit |
Source ASPCA I
received this email from ASPCA and was absolutely thrilled to see this
new CSI unit for animals. And as always, please help with a donation if
you can: ASPCA. They need our
help to continue their fight against animal cruelty.
I am very proud to share some
extremely exciting news with you. As I hope many of
you saw this morning on NBC's "Today" show, the
ASPCA today unveiled a "forensics first"—the
nation’s first-ever "Mobile
Animal Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) Unit."
This is a specially-designed
vehicle outfitted with state-of-the-art forensics
tools as well as medical equipment tailored to
animal patients and the victims of animal crimes.
The vehicle will help us to significantly advance
the prosecution of animal cruelty in this country,
by incorporating the emerging field of veterinary
forensics in crime scene investigations—truly
bringing the fight against animal cruelty into the
21st century. |

View Photos of the Mobile
Animal CSI Unit |
The mobile forensic vehicle will operate
under the leadership of the nation’s premier forensic
veterinarian, the ASPCA’s
Dr. Melinda Merck, who, as you may know, is the nation’s
only "animal CSI," and who most recently assisted Federal
authorities in the Michael Vick investigation. The mobile unit,
which will be available to assist at crime scenes nationally,
will allow Dr. Merck to examine and care for animals found at
suspected crime scenes and includes a surgical suite for animals
in need of urgent care. |
Also today, we announced that the ASPCA will break
ground on the nation’s first Anti-Cruelty Institute in New York in 2008.
This institute will be dedicated to educating veterinarians and law
enforcement officials with specialized training necessary to recognize
and respond to animal cruelty. The facility, scheduled to open in
2010, will include a forensic laboratory and veterinary hospital, a
treatment center for animals who are victims of cruelty, as well as
educational training and other programs.
The Mobile Animal CSI
Unit and the Anti-Cruelty Institute are two new milestones in our
ongoing fight against animal cruelty. But we could not do it without
your support—so thank you, each and every one of you, for everything you
do for the animals and the "A."
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Vick Gets a Measly 23 Months |
Finally, Michael Vick is
sentenced for his horrendous crime and he ends up receiving only 23
months. He could have received up to 5 years but was given only half
that. I was very disappointed. I am also a huge NFL fan and
was disgusted by the Atlanta Falcons team members showing their support
for the admitted animal killer on Monday Night Football. What a
shame there are those in our society that support this behavior. I
lost a lot of respect for Atlanta and the NFL.
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Animal Cruelty in our
Universities |
Source: PETA I
received this email from PETA today and was absolutely infuriated that a
university in my hometown was on the list of universities being targeted
for cruelty to animals. I am a proud native of Colorado and am disgusted
by the cruel and painful experimentation being performed on live animals
at the University of Colorado at Denver and the others. It
may be naive but I did not realize this was going on in my own backyard.
Please read the letter and help if you can and your donation will be
matched by the estate of a PETA member:
America's universities are
supposed to be centers of learning and enlightenment. So why are there
hidden laboratories on nearly every university campus? Inside these
labs, scared animals are kept locked up and are killed in painful,
archaic, and scientifically valueless experiments.
University experimenters are committing astonishing
atrocities to animals. But PETA is uncovering the horrors inside these
"off-limits" university laboratories that, apparently, no one else could
investigate. Using the evidence we've uncovered, we are pressuring the
federal government to penalize the experimenters and to provide
We are counting on the support of friends like you
to keep this incredibly important work going strong. Through our special
Stop Animal Testing Challenge, PETA has raised $88,070 to come to
the aid of animals trapped in labs and stop cruel experiments. But we
need your help to hit our $150,000 challenge goal. With the lives of
so many vulnerable animals at stake, I urge you to be as generous as you
can afford to be.
Please make a donation online now to help stop universities from using
animals in painful experiments. For a limited time, your
tax-deductible gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar through a matching
grant from the estate of a generous PETA member.
Thanks to supporters like you, PETA recently
discovered that three university laboratories were abusing animals in
the following ways:
At the
University of Colorado at Denver, a whistleblower led PETA to
uncover that an experimenter had operated on cats without
administering adequate anesthesia. The cats had their backs cut
open, and a machine was used to apply pressure to their tiny spinal
cords. Remarkably, the experimenters have been killing cats for
invasive procedures for more than 15 years, using taxpayer funds
through federal research grants.
At the University of Washington (UW), PETA
found that experimenters who had bolted metal chambers in monkeys'
skulls and inserted wires into their eyes were also conducting
unauthorized surgeries. Some monkeys who survived were malnourished
and psychologically damaged. Using this evidence, PETA convinced the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) to revoke its grant from UW—this
is one of the first times that the federal government has done so
because of animal welfare violations.
The University of Connecticut has been cited
for 20 violations of the Animal Welfare Act and fined more than
$5,000 for abusing monkeys in cruel brain experiments as a direct
result of PETA complaints. Since 2000,
UConn has been cited for more than 200 violations of the law for
cruelty to monkeys, cats, gerbils, guinea pigs, and rabbits.
Universities know that PETA won't rest until we root out and end cruel
animal experiments like these.
With your support,
PETA will be able to work with more whistleblowers
and send more investigators into these labs to expose the truth—and see
that the perpetrators are held accountable.
If you give online today during this special Stop Animal Testing
Challenge, your generous contribution—and your impact—will be doubled.
Click here to give your support.
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Check Out This
Animal Cruelty Video at PETA |
I received
an email today from a 15 year old reader named Kacie who was
in tears and thoroughly disgusted by the cruelty and torture
she saw on a video at PETA.
She asked that I share this with anyone who could make a
difference. Please check out this video
here and if at all possible, please make a donation to
PETA to help fight the barbaric treatment of these animals.
Thank you to
Kacie for taking the time to send us the link.
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State to File Charges on Vick |
The county
prosecutor in Virginia where Vick owns the property has
plans to present bills of indictment to a grand jury.
While he has not described exactly what charges will be
pursued, he has stated that most of what he is presenting
are what has been previously sworn to by the defendants.
Virginia has a strong animal cruelty
stand and one guilty charge could bring a sentence of up to
five years in prison. Michael Vick has admitted to
killing eight dogs which could bring him a sentence of 40
years, if convicted.
We'll update
as more information becomes available
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Ask Wendy's to
be Less Cruel to Egg-Laying Hens |
The Humane Society of the United
States has asked for the help of all animal lovers to help bring
an end to the cruel living conditions of the hens that lay eggs
for Wendy's use. They are crammed into cages so tiny, they
can barely move. This is no acceptable condition for any
living creature. Wendy's has been in discussions for months with
HSUS but has refused to make any changes. They've gone so
far as to refuse mail on the subject even from consumers.
The HSUS has asked concerned citizens to call Wendy's and asked
them reduce the cruelty to animals.
Just call
ext. 2032 and say:
"My name is (your
name) and I'm calling to ask Wendy's to start switching to
cage-free eggs to reduce cruelty to animals." That's all! Then
let HSUS know you called
Please also
let your friends and family know how they can help,
P.S. Learn more about
feeble defense of battery-cage eggs
Don't forget - Call
Wendy's at 1-800-443-7266, ext. 2032 and ask for a switch to
cage-free eggs, then let us know you called
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Rights Groups Want More Jail Time for Vick |
Source -
The New York Times
When a United States District judge
sentences Michael Vick in December, he
will be presented with recommendations
from the federal government, Vick’s
lawyers and the probation office, which
serves as an independent adviser to the
After Judge Henry E. Hudson permitted a
third-party brief in the case yesterday,
he will have at least one more thing to
consider: a 31-page document filed by a
consortium of animal rights groups that
argues Vick should be sentenced to 57
months in jail.
Vick, who starred as the quarterback for
the Atlanta Falcons, agreed last month
to plead guilty to a felony charge of
conspiracy stemming from a dogfighting
kennel being run from a property he
owned in Surry, Va. At the time, the
federal government said it would
advocate a sentence of 12 to 18 months
if Vick continued to cooperate with
But when Vick accepted his plea
agreement Aug. 27, Hudson made it clear
that he was not bound by the
government’s recommendation and that
Vick could not appeal his decision. Vick
faces up to five years in prison.
The N.F.L., which has suspended Vick
indefinitely, has put off making a
decision on the length of his suspension
until after he is sentenced.
Eleven animal rights groups came
together to file a friend of the court
brief, which allows an interested party
not directly involved in a case to
express its views to the court.
Within the brief, the groups advocate
for the rights of the “voiceless” dogs
and say that if the judge accepts the
government’s recommendation, he will not
be following the proper sentencing
“We usually see these types of briefs
filed in high-profile federal appellate
cases pertaining to terrorists or those
being held at Guantanamo Bay,” Carl
Tobias, a professor at the University of
Richmond School of Law, said in a phone
“They are certainly not seen too often
at the district court level. This is
very unusual.”
The brief argues that because Vick
funded Bad Newz Kennels and acted as its
leader, he should face more time in jail
than his co-defendants.
The brief also argues for a stiffer
sentence because the dogs should be
viewed the same under the sentencing
guidelines as human victims.
“Other than child abuse, it is hard to
imagine a more vulnerable victim than
the dogs who were trapped in the Bad
Newz Kennels,” the brief said.
Lawrence H. Woodward Jr., a lawyer for
Vick, did not return a telephone message
seeking his comment.
What remains to be seen, though, is how
seriously Hudson will consider the
“The filing creates an atmosphere in
which the defense may be forced to
respond to the groups’ claims, and in
which the probation office will have to
take notice,” said Douglas A. Berman, a
professor of law at the Ohio State
University and an expert on sentencing
He added: “It could change the dimension
a lot. If the probation office says we
know they agreed to 12 to 18, but we are
convinced by this brief, the office may
argue for 18 to 24 months. This could
have a ripple effect.”
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Cat in Stuck in Tree for a
Week |
Yonkers, NY -
After many attempts to lure a frightened cat from a large tree
failed, a blast from a high-pressure fire hose did the trick.
The cat had ignored everyone who had previously tried to reach
the cat with ladders and banged cans of cat food to get it to
jump down. Volunteers caught the falling cat with an stretched
sheet and as soon as it landed, it ran off into the woods.
Neighborhood children found the cat and a fellow neighbor gave
him a new home. Another happy ending!
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articles list
Firefighters Save Donkey
From a Well |
in Underwood, Minnesota were called to help a donkey that had fallen
down an abandoned well and was trapped. They had to dismantle the
the well block by block and once the west wall was taken apart, the
firefighters put a harness around the donkey and guided it out with a
The donkey,
owned by Warren Gundberg, had wandered off his farm and onto the land
owned by Bryan Nelson which is where the well was located. Being
an animal lover, Nelson was not upset that the well was taken apart and
was glad the donkey survived and was doing well. He lost some fur and
had some bruises but was otherwise fine.
taking his donkey home by leash, he said to him "I bet you'll think
twice about doing that again. If you would have stayed home you wouldn't
be in this trouble."
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Ringling Bros
to Stand Trial for Elephant Abuse |
On August 23, 2007, a federal district court in
Washington, D.C., issued a major ruling rejecting the last-ditch attempt
of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus to avoid trial over charges
that the circus abuses its Asian elephants.
The groundbreaking lawsuit, brought by the ASPCA, the
Fund for Animals, the Animal Welfare Institute, the Animal Protection
Institute and Tom Rider, a former employee of Ringling Bros., alleges
that the circus violates the Endangered Species Act by abusively
training and disciplining elephants with sharp implements such as
bullhooks, by intensively confining and chaining the animals for
prolonged periods, and by forcibly separating baby elephants from their
In its ruling, the court scolded the circus for
“wast[ing] a considerable amount of time and resources” of the court and
the prosecuting groups by engaging in delay tactics over several years.
Furthermore, the court reiterated a previous ruling that the circus has
repeatedly violated a court order by withholding critical evidence.
“The ASPCA is delighted with this latest ruling,
which paves the way for the real case at hand—whether Ringling Brothers
violated the Endangered Species Act in its treatment of the elephants,”
states the ASPCA’s Lisa Weisberg, Senior Vice President, Government
Affairs & Public Policy. The trial schedule will be determined early
next year and the trial itself is expected to begin sometime in 2008.
For more information on
the cruelty that goes on in circuses, and what you can do about it,
please visit our
circus cruelty section at ASPCA.org.
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Michael Vick's
Statement |
"For most of my life, I've been a football player,
not a public speaker, so, you know, I really don't know, you know, how
to say what I really want to say. You know, I understand it's..it's
important or not important, you know, as far as what you say but how you
say things. So, you know, I take this opportunity just to speak from the
First, I want to apologize, you know, for all the
things that..that I've done and that I have allowed to happen. I want to
personally apologize to Commissioner Goodell, Arthur Blank, Coach Bobby
Petrino, my Atlanta Falcons teammates, you know, for our..for our
previous discussions that we had. And I was not honest and forthright in
our discussions, and, you know, I was ashamed and totally disappointed
in myself to say the least.
I want to apologize to all the young kids out
there for my immature acts and, you know, what I did was..what I did was
very immature so that means I need to grow up.
I totally ask for forgiveness and understanding as
I move forward to bettering Michael Vick the person, not the football
I take full responsibility for my actions. For one
second will I sit right here..not for one second will I sit right here
and point the finger and try to blame anybody else for my actions or
what I've done. I'm totally responsible and those things just
didn't have to happen. I feel like we all make mistakes. It's just I
made a mistake in using bad judgment and making bad decisions. And you
know, those things, you know, just can't happen.
Dog fighting is a terrible thing and I did reject
I'm upset with myself, and, you know, through this
situation I found Jesus and asked him for forgiveness and turned my life
over to God. And I think that's the right thing to do as of right now.
Like I said, for this..for this entire situation I
never pointed the finger at anybody else, I accepted responsibility for
my actions of what I did and now I have to pay the consequences for it.
But in a sense, I think it will help, you know, me as a person. I got a
lot to think about in the next year or so.
I offer my deepest apologies to everybody out in
there in the world who was affected by this whole situation. And if I'm
more disappointed with myself than anything it's because of all the
young people, young kids that I've let down, who look at Michael Vick as
a role model. And to have to go through this and put myself in this
situation, you know, I hope that every young kid out there in the world
watching this interview right now who's been following the case will use
me as an example to using better judgment and making better decisions.
Once again, I offer my deepest apologies to
everyone. And I will redeem myself. I have to.
So I got a lot of down
time, a lot of time to think about my actions and what I've done and how
to make Michael Vick a better person. Thank you."
End of Michael Vick's
Everything he said in his
statement just rings hollow and superficial. First of all, he
refers himself in the third person THREE times which strongly
demonstrates what a pretentious fool he is. Nobody refers to
themselves in the third person unless they believe themselves to be more
than just a mere human. Here's what a psychiatrist from Melbourne
says about this syndrome:
"If you live in the
public domain," says Melbourne psychologist Joe Bolza, "you are a
virtual brand name, a marketing focus. This makes you already larger
than your own life. You will read about yourself constantly in the third
person, see endless reflections of your own image. Add a certain amount
of your own grandiosity and how could you be a mere 'I' or 'me'?"
Secondly, he says what he
did was immature. Not cruel, stupid, illegal, horrendous, vicious, not
even regrettable. Just immature.
He goes on to say:
"Dog fighting is a terrible thing and I did reject it." That's
it?? That's all he can say about dogfighting? And then,
predictably, he takes a page out of the books that fellow lawbreakers
Paris Hilton and others have used. He Found Jesus.
Hallelujah, he found Jesus! Don't they all find Jesus when they
think it makes them look better in the eyes of the public? Just a
typical cliché. I imagine we'll see him walking around carrying a bible
or religious books with the titles pointing outward so that others can
see what he is carrying. Again, like Paris Hilton.
This guy is not sorry,
he's just very sorry he was caught and is being punished. Here's
what he had to say to an Atlanta TV station after reports first began
circulating about his connection to dogfighting and gambling:
"Everywhere I go, all
around the world, people still support Mike Vick. So regardless of what
I go through people gonna love me man…… and it's all good. My job is to
win football games."
There's that third party
reference again. So regardless, huh?? I don't think so...what a
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Let's Hope Jamie Foxx Isn't Really This Stupid! |
Foxx has defended Michael Vick's dogfighting as a 'cultural thing' and
giving him the benefit of the doubt. Are you kidding me?? Is
he actually trying to say that these horrific, despicable actions by
Michael Vick are just a 'black thing'?? What an degrading, idiotic
and embarrassing thing to say about your own ethnic group. Here's what
he said to Access Hollywood:
"It's a cultural thing...I used
to see dogs fighting in the neighborhood all the time... Mike probably
just didn't read his handbook on what not to do as a black star. I know
that cruelty to animals is bad, but sometimes people shoot people and
kill people and don't get time... I give Mike the benefit of the doubt."
I don't
know about you but I have definitely seen my last Jamie Foxx movie.
I won't support an actor that supports dogfighting, period! And
I'm quite sure I won't be alone in this sentiment.
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Links to Vick
Documents |
We've received a few emails from readers asking us where
they can read the Vick indictment and other documents. Here
are links to a few of them. Please be aware that some of
these documents are in PDF format and, depending on your
connection and other factors, may take time to load.
If there are
others you would like to read, please let us know and we
will post them as soon as possible.
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Ask NFL to Add Cruelty to Animals to its Personal Conduct Policy |
In a letter thanking their supporters for their help with
the Michael Vick crimes, they have asked for our help in
sending one more letter to the NFL. From their letter:
Now, please, take one more action. PETA is calling on the
NFL to add cruelty to animals—in all its forms—to its
personal conduct policy.
Please e-mail NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to ask
him to update the NFL's policy with a statement that animal
abuse will not be tolerated.
The best deterrent for players tempted by cowardly and cruel
bloodsports is for them to know that their participation
would mean professional ruin. If the NFL incorporates a
no-tolerance policy for cruelty in its rules, we'll have
taken a giant step toward eliminating one of the most
vicious "sports" ever by removing the glamour of
professional athletes associated with it. So please,
e-mail the commissioner and ask your friends and
family to do so as well. Right away.
Please send
an email today or contact
PETA for more
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NFL Suspends Vick Indefinitely |
Vick's careful
wording of his guilty plea did not help when it came to the
NFL. Roger Goodell suspended him, indefinitely, based on his
own admission of guilt in the crimes. He had harsh words for
Vick. In the letter he stated:
"Your admitted conduct
was not only illegal, but also cruel and
reprehensible. Your team, the NFL, and NFL
fans have all been hurt by your actions."
He also said he would
review Vick's case after the legal
proceedings are complete.
The owner of the Atlanta
Falcons also had harsh words for Vick
describing his actions as
"incomprehensible and unacceptable."
The suspension makes "a strong statement
that conduct which tarnishes the good
reputation of the NFL will not be
tolerated," he said in a statement.
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53 Pit
Bulls on Vick's Property Likely to be Euthanized |
The owners of 53 pit bulls have until the end of the day to
claim their animals. They were seized in April from
the property in Virginia owned by Michael Vick.
Prosecutors have asked for permission to euthanize the
animals stating they are a threat to humans and other
animals because they have been trained to kill. However,
they are still considered evidence in the cases against Vick
and others in the indictment so it's unknown when this will
It's highly unlikely that the cowardly owners of the pit
bulls will step forward to claim their dogs. And the blood
of another 53 animals will be on Michael Vick's hands but at
least he won't have the pleasure of killing them himself or
watching them kill each other. Poor Michael
Vick....another missed opportunity.
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Save Six Cats from Burning Home! |
Firefighters in Milford, Massachusetts are heroes to the grateful family
of a two-story home and to their pets as well. Not only did they
extinguish the house fire but also saved the lives of six cats. One of
the cats had to be dropped out of a second floor window but fell into
the arms of a firefighter. Unfortunately, one of the frightened cats
jumped out of the window and ran away but the other five were taken to
an animal hospital for oxygen.
Thank you
to all our brave firefighters - today and everyday!!
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So Much for Clearing His
"Good Name"! |
NFL Quarterback, Michael Vick, has accepted a plea to plead guilty
to federal conspiracy charges involving illegal dogfighting.
Apparently, he's no longer interested in clearing his good name.
Federal prosecutors have offered to recommend 12-18 months (some reports
say 18-36) in prison but it's up to the judge to decide Vick's fate.
Unfortunately, with this plea deal, Vick will not be charged with
racketeering which could have likely added several years to his
sentence, if convicted. It's unknown, at this time, whether the State
has agreed to forgo pursuing any further charges or if the NFL has
offered any information regarding their plans. Let's hope the judge is
particularly hard on this sorry excuse for a human being.
take a quick trip down memory lane and reread Vick's statement to the
press, his teammates and the public:
"Today in court I pleaded innocent to
the allegations made against me. I take these charges very
seriously and I look forward to clearing my good name. I
respectfully ask all of you to hold your judgment until all of
the facts are shown. Above all, I would like to say to my mom I
am sorry for what she has had to go through in this most trying
of times. It's caused pain for my family and I apologize to my
family. I also want to apologize to my Falcon teammates for not
being with them."
Of course, he
also blamed his family and friends earlier for taking advantage
of his amazing generosity and trust by running this dogfighting
ring on his property (that he never visited) without his
knowledge. No wonder they turned on this moron.
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What Our
Readers Have to Say About Michael Vick! |
We've been getting a large
amount of email regarding the Michael Vick indictment. Most have
condemned him for his actions while some think he's being unfairly
judged. Here are a few examples:
"Michael Vick is a perfect example of why this
world needs organizations like PETA and the ASPCA. This man
deserves nothing less than to be hanged, electrocuted or beaten to death
and I'm a religious person."
"I will never be able to look at the Atlanta
Falcons without thinking about this terrible, terrible crime. They need
to change their uniforms or something."
"I'm glad you wrote about the other NFL players
sticking up for Michael Vick. They are ignorant fools."
"I hope Michael Vick rots in Hell!"
"Michael Vick is no better than a rapist or
murderer. I hope they don't cut a deal with him. I want the whole
world to hear ALL the gruesome details at trial."
"I'm glad to see the NFL taking a hard stance on
this issue. It's about time they make the players be accountable
for their actions. They have been too lenient in the past."
"I am not a football fan but I cannot believe this
is happening to an NFL quarterback. It seems that quarterbacks
have always been the good guys - the ones who help kids, open
foundations and work with the underprivileged. This is something
that will be very hard to forget."
"As a dog lover, I can only hope there will be
some proper justice in this. He deserves so much more punishment
than he is most likely to get which is a crying shame. Too bad we
can't have an eye for an eye because I'd love to see him hanged just
like one of the poor dogs who didn't fight well enough."
And then there are these:
"Why are you treating Vick as a guilty person. He has not
had his day in court."
"If this were a white
guy like Payton Manning, it wouldn't be such a media circus. It's
totally racially motivated."
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Vick Cohorts Plead
Guilty and Name Vick! |
Peace, 35 and Quanis Phillips, 28 both plead guilty to dogfighting
charges and admitted to killing approximately eight dogs that did not
perform well in tests and that Vick actively took part in the
executions. They also stated most of the financial backing for their
kennel on Vick's property came almost exclusively from Michael Vick and
that all accusations in the 18-page indictment were true. In
addition, they admitted to traveling with Vick throughout the south to
fight their dogs in various states. Now we have to wait to see if
Vick accepts a plea deal or if he's still looking forward to "clearing
his good name".
Michael Vick's Statement:
"I take
these charges very seriously and look forward to clearing my good name.
I respectfully ask all of you to hold your judgment until all of the
facts are shown."
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Jerry Rice is Pure Class! |
idiot athletes are coming out in support of their "pal" Michael Vick
asking the public to support him until he is found guilty in court - I
guess they don't read or worse yet, don't care. (I wonder if they'll
change their tune if he agrees to a plea bargain) But Jerry Rice
does care and he has quite a different opinion. In a recent interview
with Jim Rome on ESPN, he has praised NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell
for his strong, no-nonsense approach to discipline. When asked
about the Michael Vick situation, he stated that a professional athlete
should conduct themselves the right way and if they don't, they should
get punished. Of course, it's easy for him to say, he was
the epitome of class during his entire career. We need more professional
athletes like him. Maybe Donovan McNabb, Warrick Dunn, Deion
Sanders, Clinton Portis and Emmitt Smith need to watch this interview,
learn a thing or two about decency and class and keep their mouths shut
about supporting Michael Vick. Even in a free world, there is just
something so wrong with supporting a man that has been indicted for the
such cruel and vicious acts as Vick.
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Two More
Michael Vick Co-Defendants May Plea Bargain! |
Purnell Peace, 35 and
Quanis Phillips, 28 are scheduled this week to appear in court for new
plea hearings suggesting they may be changing their not-guilty pleas.
Peace is scheduled to appear on Thursday, August, 16 and Phillips on
Friday, August 17. Tony Taylor, 34 already struck a deal on July
30 and will be a witness for the prosecution. His sentencing hearing is
scheduled for December 14. Vick's trial is still set for November
26 in Richmond Virginia.
It looks like the
proverbial rats are leaving the sinking ship. I hope they don't
get off too lightly but I am happy they are turning on Vick.
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Educate Your Friends &
Family! |
It seems many people have an
warped sense of how to treat an animal. I always thought my friends and
family had good common sense but I was appalled to find out one of my
own had dumped her cat. Apparently, she always let her cat wander
the streets and didn't see him for days at a time and I guess this was
okay with her. She was then planning to move from this area and
when she did, she just left the cat. I was just sickened to hear
this. I asked her why and she said "he was always gone anyway so I
thought it was the best thing to do" or something like that.
What she failed to remember, was, although her cat ran for days at a
time, he still came home to her eventually. That was his home. So
one day, little 'Fluffy' comes home and the only family he's ever known
is gone forever and the new tenants probably don't want this "stray"
cat. I was mortified. I had no idea she would do something
like this but she actually thought it was okay. In all honesty,
this behavior was due to the lack of knowledge and not because she was
into abusing animals. She thought she was doing the animal a
favor because he liked to run and she did not look at this as a form of
animal abuse. But it is! Every pet deserves to have a loving home
and proper care for their entire lives not just a small part of it.
Unfortunately, there are those who will read this and say "So
what's the big deal?" Now these are the people we need to educate.
I am now the owner of a little, gray cat that chose
to make my house her home because someone like "my friend" left her to
fend for herself. She is nearly blind and knew she needed someone to
look after her. I'm just glad she found us. It's obvious she was not
always a wild cat. She is gentle and sweet and just wanted to be
cared for now that she is handicapped. And this little sweetheart makes
me think of the poor cat that was left behind by "my friend". I just hope
he found someone to love and care for him in his old age.
My point is, you would think that it's common
knowledge and sense not to abandon an animal for any reason - but it's
NOT! You may have someone in your family or friends circle like "my
friend" who
needs to be educated on the responsibility of owning pets. Help them to
understand it is a lifelong commitment and not just until it's no
longer convenient. Talk to them, you just may be able to prevent another
animal from suffering a similar fate.
remember this:
"Within the heart of every stray lies the singular desire
to be loved"
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Ongoing Cruelty - We Can't Forget About These Poor Animals |
*Here are two reports
regarding animal testing for the Iams Company. While, these
reports are old, the cruelty continues and until it stops, please don't
purchase Iams products. They should not profit from the
experimentation on, which is nothing less than systematic torture, of
these poor, unfortunate animals.
Iams Undercover Investigation
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has
released an official complaint stating that the contract laboratory
investigated by PETA in 2002 and 2003, which was employed by pet-food
manufacturer Iams, “has shown a lack of good faith.” The
government complaint
alleges that the following violations, among others, were documented by
government inspectors at the contract laboratory from 2002 to 2005:
Failure to provide pain relief to sheep used in
experiments that caused pain or distress
Failure to ensure that personnel were trained to
perform experiments on animals
Failure to provide veterinary care and to observe
animals daily
Failure to properly ventilate housing facilities
for dogs and cats
Failure to house cats with a sufficient number of
litterboxes and resting surfaces
Failure to keep animal-housing facilities clean
and in good repair, resulting in injuries
Failure to maintain comfortable temperatures in
animal-housing facilities
Failure to provide animals with sufficient space
Iams and P&G Cause Animals to Suffer Needlessly
For nearly 10
months in 2002 and early 2003, a PETA investigator went undercover at an
Iams contract testing laboratory and discovered a dark and sordid secret
beneath the wholesome image of the dog- and cat-food manufacturer: dogs
gone crazy from intense confinement to barren steel cages and cement
cells, dogs left piled on a filthy paint-chipped floor after having
chunks of muscle hacked from their thighs; dogs surgically debarked;
horribly sick dogs and cats languishing in their cages, neglected and
left to suffer with no veterinary care.
Iams lied to PETA with promises to improve the conditions for animals in
its contract laboratories, even assuring us that enrichment programs
were already in place, but our undercover investigator saw otherwise.
She fought for six months to have a single cheap, rubber toy placed in
each cold, lonely kennel. This is Iams’ idea of enrichment.
Our video footage shows Iams representatives touring the facility and
witnessing dogs’ endless circling in barren cells, sweltering in the
summer heat. Iams knew the truth yet did nothing to protect the animals.
The dogs and cats in Iams’ tests are no different from our dogs and cats
at home when it comes to deserving companionship, play, a stimulating
environment, and the right not to be tormented in painful experiments.
Luckily, caring consumers know that advances in nutrition don’t have to
come at the expense of animals in labs. Help PETA force Iams to end
these painful and unnecessary tests, as many compassionate companies
have already done.
For more information or
to donate, visit
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A Great New Movie: Arctic Tale |
A film that is both heartwarming and humorous, it
truly brings to life the damage the climate crisis is doing to our
animals and our planet. Artic Tale is co-written by Al Gore's
Daughter, Kristin and beautifully narrated by Queen Latifah. If
you are looking for a film your entire family will enjoy, "Arctic Tale"
is sure to please.
About Artic Tale:
Can you imagine spending 15 years in the Arctic
documenting the lives of polar bears and walruses as they struggle
against their environment and the added challenge of the climate crisis?
That's just what filmmakers Adam Ravetch and Sarah
Robertson did and they turned their work into one of the most beautiful
films of the year.
"Arctic Tale" follows the story of Seela, a walrus
calf and Nanu, a polar bear cub on their journey from birth to
parenthood. In addition to the day-to-day challenges they face, global
warming has caused the sea ice they call their home to decline by 30%
over the past half a century. Polar bears hunt on sea ice and walruses
rest on it when they come out of the sea. Without it, their survival in
the desolate arctic environment is impossible.
Learn more about the film and find out where it's
playing near you by visiting:
And for more
information on global warming and the climate crisis, visit
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Tell KFC What You Think! |
Contact KFC and let them know
how you feel about their cruel and barbaric treatment of chickens.
Tell the CEO of KFC's parent company YUM! Brands that eating the flesh
of a tortured animal is not "yummy" or appetizing but that's exactly
what you are doing when you eat at KFC. No one is asking them to
quit selling chicken, they are being asked to follow the lead of
ethically conscious companies likes Panera Bread and Burger King and
adopt a less cruel form of slaughter like CAK. If they can do it,
KFC most certainly can! Let them know that animal abuse is not
good for their business and they have lost yours. Here is the
address to write the CEO of KFC's parent company:
David Novak, CEO
Yum! Brands
1441 Gardiner Lane
Louisville, KY 40213
Or call
him at 1-800-225-5532 and ask for David Novak's Office.
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Panera Bread using CAK! |
PETA, the largest animal rights organization,
recently purchased 60 shares of Richmond Heights-based bakery-cafe chain
Panera Bread. PETA is using its position as a stockholder to move the
company toward only using chickens and turkeys killed by the less cruel
method of slaughter called "controlled-atmosphere killing" (CAK).
Chickens and turkeys killed for Panera are dumped
onto conveyors and hung upside-down by their legs in metal
shackles--causing broken bones--and their heads are run through an
electrified bath that gives them painful shocks without rendering them
insensible to pain. They are still conscious when their throats are
slit, and many are scalded to death in defeathering tanks.
With CAK, the oxygen that birds breathe is slowly
replaced with inert, nonpoisonous gasses--such as argon and
nitrogen--putting the birds "to sleep" quickly and painlessly. Studies
of CAK conclude that in addition to being the least cruel form of
poultry slaughter, it results in economic benefits.
PETA and Panera executives have begun discussing
animal welfare, and as a result, Panera has started investigating CAK
and urging its poultry suppliers to do the same. Combined with its St.
Louis Bread Company stores, Panera operates more than 1,000 locations in
40 states.
As part of its campaign to move the food industry
toward implementing CAK, PETA has become a shareholder in nearly 40
companies, including McDonald's, Wendy's, Kroger, Supervalu and Tyson
Foods. Recently, Burger King--the second-largest fast-food chain in the
world--announced major animal welfare reforms, including giving
purchasing preference to suppliers that use CAK.
"Although Panera still has a long way to go, we
commend the company for taking steps toward improving conditions in its
suppliers' slaughterhouses," says PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich.
"CAK improves animal welfare, working conditions, and product quality,
making it a win for everyone."
For more information on
CAK, visit PETA.
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Rawlings Ends Their Relationship with Vick! |
Rawlings Sports announced on Tuesday, July 31, 2007
that it is ending its relationship with Michael Vick due to the
dogfighting allegations against him.
They said in a statement:
"Rawlings recognizes that Mr. Vick has not been
convicted of the charges stemming from his recent indictment. However,
we have determined that ending our relationship with Mr. Vick at this
time is necessary. Rawlings is disappointed about the charges brought
against Mr. Vick for his alleged participation in a dogfighting
operation. Dogfighting is illegal and entirely unacceptable to
Let's all support Rawlings for making this important decision!
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the NRDC Save Wolves from US Government Slaughter! |
received this disturbing email from NRDC this morning. Please read
and consider joining the NRDC in their efforts.
airplanes and helicopters stand ready. The guns are loaded.
And if the Bush Administration gets its way, an airborne assault on
hundreds of wolves in the northern Rockies could begin as early as
Make no mistake: we can still come to the wolf's rescue.
But in this last critical week, we need to immediately ramp up our
Internet campaign even further to get more Americans to submit online
Citizen Comments -- while the Bush Administration is still required to
take public input on its cruel plan for slaughtering wolves.
With your support that's exactly what we're going to do.
Please make an online contribution
right now so the NRDC Action Fund can rally hundreds of thousands of
Americans against wolf extermination before the crucial August 6
We are arming the media with the damning facts of the Bush
Administration's cold-blooded plan... organizing key opposition in both
Houses of Congress...and reaching out to millions of Americans who
haven't yet heard that wolves will soon be caught in a deadly crossfire.
Let's face it: most Americans would be outraged to discover that
our own government plans to gun down the greatest living symbol of
endangered wildlife.
And they would be horrified to learn that airplanes and helicopters have
already been purchased to do the job of mowing down packs of wolves in a
matter of minutes.
But most Americans won't know any of this unless we get them the
facts...and empower them with an easy way to register their
opposition on the Internet in a matter of seconds.
Your gift will help us build a tidal wave of protest against the Bush
Administration's wolf-killing plan -- and greatly increase the odds that
the "Open Fire" order will NOT be given come this October.
Please help give wolves a reprieve
by making an online contribution right now.
With one final week left, we need to harness the immediacy and power of
the Internet to mobilize America in defense of wolves. It's their last,
best hope for survival.
For more information on this
and any other NRDC issue, please visit their website
To make a donation to the NRDC, please click
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articles list |
Support Celebrity
Activists! |
I've actually
received several emails complaining that celebrities are only
becoming activists for publicity and we shouldn't give them any
recognition for it. Okay, I admit there may be some
who do, but you know what? WHO CARES - AS LONG AS THEY DO IT - WHO
If they
protest animal cruelty because they get off seeing their names in the
papers, I couldn't care less. The end result is the same - it may
raise awareness or badly needed funds for programs. If seeing
Pamela Anderson protesting the horrible treatment of chickens by KFC
farms will educate some teenager in heat, then I hope they print her
name in every paper in the USA. I hope it gets her a hundred
paying jobs. At least it's publicity for something more important than
moronic celebrities driving drunk, doing drugs, getting divorced, who
they're dating or shaving off their hair in public.
That being
said, I do want to state, emphatically, that I believe Pamela Anderson
to be VERY serious about her work with animals and I am merely
using her name as an example.
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Twice Before Going to the Circus! |
Do you take
your family to the circus? If you do, you need to be aware of some
the hideous animal cruelty that goes on behind the scenes. If
you've ever marveled at a majestic elephant on a little stool with his
legs in the air or seeing a chimp do aerial flips in the air or even
tigers doing tricks in a cage then there is something you need to think
Do you
honestly believe these animals are performing those demeaning tricks
because they want to?? Of course not - they know what will happen
if they don't and they may be beaten into submission, caged or starved
until they do. Ringling Brothers employees tell of systematic
abuse and horrific beatings of their animals. There are many
pictures and videos out there of the circus animals' brutal treatment.
You can see some of them at
The Humane Society or
Check them out - I sincerely hope you will NEVER want to see these
poor, tortured animals perform again. Your ticket purchase sponsors more
animal suffering.
write to, fax or email Ringling Brothers and express your disgust at
their continued abuse of animals at the following:
Feld Entertainment
8607 Westwood Court Dr.,
Vienna, VA 22182
Email: information@feldinc.com
Fax: (703) 448-4100
If there is
a circus coming to your town, please write to your local newspaper, TV
station or radio station and let them know of the behind-the-scenes
abuse. Many circus goers are unaware of this issue and the best
way to get the word out there is the mass media. We need to let
friends and parents know what is going on. This is not the way for
children to learn about animals.
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Nike Suspends
Vick's Contract! |
Source PETA
Following PETA protests outside
Niketown stores and countless calls and emails to the
company asking that they cut ties with Michael Vick in
light of horrific allegations of his involvement with
dogfighting rings, Nike has released the following
"Nike has suspended Michael
Vick's contract without pay, and will not sell any
more Michael Vick product at Nike-owned retail at
this time."
As a result, we have called off our
planned protests outside Nike stores around the country.
Thanks to everyone who wrote to the company about this
issue or attended the demonstrations, and thanks to Nike
for doing the right thing by ending its association with
someone accused of torture.
Reebok has also made the decision to
stop sales of Michael Vick apparel, stating:
"While we respect the legal
process we find the allegations against Mr. Vick too
disturbing to ignore, therefore, we have decided to
immediately suspend selling Vick NFL product, both
at retail and online through the Reebok website."
This is great news for anyone who is
concerned about cruelty to animals, and we hope that it
sends a strong message to the NFL that they need to do
the same thing and suspend Michael Vick immediately,
pending the outcome of this case. To send a message to
the NFL asking them to get on with that, please click
Together, we can make
sure dogfighters and other animal abusers know that their cruelty
will no longer be tolerated.
For more information on the Michael Vick
case and others, visit their website:
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Michael Vick
Update from PETA |
Source PETA
As you read this, PETA protesters are converging on
the U.S. District Court in Richmond, Va., to call for vigorous
prosecution of Michael Vick and three other defendants who are being
arraigned on dogfighting charges. We want all those accused of
dogfighting to be prosecuted vigorously, and we demand justice for all
victims of dogfights.
We want Vick and his codefendants—if they are convicted—to be
punished to the fullest extent allowed by law. Dogfighting is a
coward's "blood sport" that deserves harsh punishment—no matter how
famous the alleged perpetrators are.
On Monday, July 30, PETA will hold demonstrations in front of every
Niketown store from New York to Los Angeles to call on Nike—which
employs Vick as a promotional spokesperson—to sack him.
Already, the pressure is working. Both the NFL and the Atlanta
Falcons have taken important "first steps" to discipline Vick by
keeping him away from the Falcons' training camp pending their own
investigation of the case. In my view, this is the beginning of the end
for Vick's career.
We need your help today to make sure the cruelty of dogfighting and
companion animal abuse does not fade away from anyone's sight - not
that of the public, the media, the prosecutors and judges who try and
sentence animal abusers or the NFL or major corporations like Nike that
continue to compensate someone indicted for heinous charges of
PETA has responded to more than 14,000 calls and e-mails
regarding other dogfighting cases and individual cruelty-to-animals
cases in the last year alone. Our cruelty caseworkers work tirelessly to
see that those responsible for violence against dogs, cats, and other
animals are charged, prosecuted, and, whenever possible, barred from
ever owning or harboring animals again.
We urgently need you to do the following:
Together, we can make
sure dogfighters and other animal abusers know that their cruelty
will no longer be tolerated.
For more information on the Michael Vick
case and others, visit their website:
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Help Stop the
Senseless Slaughter of Baby Seals |
Protect Seals
We received a letter in the mail from
the Protect Seals organization for concerned citizens to send
letters to the "Powers That Be" in Canada asking them to stop the
horrific slaughter of baby seals. Please take a moment and send
letters out as well. It's very important they see just how
many people are horrified by this activity. Here is the
information given to us to send out. You can use the same body
of the letter to all three with different headings.
Dear _______________,
The Canadian government must put an end to its
support of the cruel and brutal slaughter of hundreds of thousands of
baby seals each year. The government must end its subsidizing of the
murderous fur "harvesting" industry at once.
Beating a baby seal over the head is not humane,
as the government calls it....it is cruel. And the world is watching
horror as your government continues to support it.
Until this mass slaughter stops, I will boycott
Canadian seafood and will not go to Canada on vacation. And I will ask
all my friends, family and co-workers to do the same. We cannot support
a government that supports the brutal slaughter of defenseless seals for
their fur.
Please help end this atrocious hunt now.
City & State
Send to:
The Right Hon. Stephen
Prime Minister of Canada
435-S, Centre Block
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6
Dear Right Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada:
The Hon. David Emerson
Minister of International
House of Commons
307 Confederation Building
Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0A6
Dear Hon. David Emerson, Minister of International Trade:
The Hon. Michael Wilson
Canadian Ambassador to the
501 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Washington, DC 20001
Dear Hon. Michael Wilson,
Canadian Ambassador to the U.S.A.,
Embassy of Canada
Please be aware that postage for a letter from US to Canada is 69
If you would like to donate to the Humane Society
Protect Seals program, you can go to their donation page here:
to Protect Seals
To contact The HSUS
about their ProtectSeals campaign, email them at
protect-seals@hsus.org or call 1-800-536-8173
Please continue to boycott Canadian
products and send letters every year until they stop condoning and
allowing this gruesome annual event. Thank you for your
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ASPCA to Assist with the Federal Investigation of Michael Vick
I just received an email from the ASPCA
announcing that they are currently assisting in the federal
investigation against Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick and three
other individuals, who were indicted on July 17 by a federal grand jury
in a Virginia dog fighting venture.
At this time,
they cannot offer any additional details in order to protect the
integrity of this investigation and the ongoing criminal process.
They have
also posted new educational materials on animal cruelty at
www.aspca.org/cruelty. They'll be regularly updating this
section, so bookmark it and visit often. You will find a wealth of
information here on animal cruelty, as well as a look at the
reprehensible world of dog fighting.
For more information,
visit the ASPCA
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Help PETA Stop the Barbaric Abuse of Sheep |
Most people imagine that
sheep live happy lives and roam free until they are carefully sheared.
A long-term pattern of animal abuse pervades the Australian wool
industry, which is the largest in the world. Sheep, like animals raised
for food and fur in factory farms, are treated like machines so that
people can buy wool goods and corporations can make a profit.
What the Australian Wool Industry Doesn't Want You to Know
Our campaign calls for an end to the dirty secrets—and cruelest
practices—of the Australian wool industry, including the following:
Mulesing is a practice in which huge
chunks of skin and flesh are cut from lambs' backsides—without any
painkillers. This is done to cause smooth, scarred skin that can't
harbor fly eggs. However, the exposed, bloody wounds often fall
victim to flystrike before they can heal.
Live transport refers to the transport of
tens of thousands of sheep who are no longer profitable to the wool
industry. They are sent on weeks-long voyages on open-decked ships
to Middle Eastern countries, where animal welfare standards are
non-existent. Sheep are often dragged off ships by their ears and
legs in order to have their throats slit while they are still
The horrors
do not stop there. Won't you join PETA in their campaign to stop
these horrific practices against lambs and sheep?
Thanks to PETA's efforts, top retailers like Abercrombie & Fitch,
American Eagle, Liz Claiborne and Limited Brands have moved away
from Australian wool in favor of wool from countries that do not
mutilate or live-export sheep.
What has been the Australian wool industry's response to PETA's
campaign? A two-year, multimillion-dollar lawsuit that aimed to
silence our lifesaving campaign for sheep. But because of the
generous support of the public, they have just won this round
and the lawsuit has been dropped.
Their battle, however, is far from over. They must continue to put
pressure on the wool industry and leading retailers to stop the
mulesing mutilations of baby lambs as well as the export of these
animals on "death ships."
Sheep are gentle individuals who—like all animals—feel pain, fear,
and distress. Yet lambs and sheep in Australia endure some of the
worst cruelty of any animals on the planet. Won't you please
help PETA stop these cruel practices with your support
For more information on how
you can help with this or any other important, please visit
PETA today!
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Equine Rescue League Needs Help for Physical Move! |
From the Equine
Rescue League:
The ERL MUST move from its current location by September
22, 2007! For more information, please
read our
We are planning an auction to
help raise funds
for a new ERL shelter. if you have items or ideas
for auction items, please
email our
Please spread the word about the auction!!
The Equine Rescue
League (ERL) is a non-profit organization that supports the
responsible use of working, sport, and pleasure horses, ponies,
donkeys and mules. Our goals are to prevent the neglect or abuse of
any equine, to offer educational programs to the community, and to
provide shelter, rehabilitation and adoption for those animals in
need of our services.
The ERL was
created and continues to exists thanks to its many
volunteers and
donations. Thank you! We wouldn't be here without
The best
way to understand what we do, is to read the
stories of horses we've been able to help! Also,
don't forget to check out the horses currently
available for adoption!
you have questions or concerns of an urgent nature,
please phone the office at (703) 771-1240. |
on you, Premarin & Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories!! |
recently received a letter from Castleton Ranch Horse Rescue, Inc
seeking donations to aid in the fight to end Urine Farm Torture
of mares and to help fund the rescue and care of these poor,
unfortunate creatures. Apparently, in order to sell urine to the
makers of Premarin, some farms are forcing pregnant mares to stand
day and night in tiny stalls for months at a time with a bag
attached so that their urine can be collected for the drug industry
to make Premarin (PREgnant MARes urINe). They are bred over
and over again on the production line to maximize urine output and
the mares' beautiful little foals are then sold to the
slaughterhouse. This is unbelievably cruel. Please help
if you can by contacting:
Castleton Ranch
Horse Rescue
PO Box
Lancaster, CA 93539-9595
contact Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories and let them know you are outraged
by this cruel and irresponsible method of obtaining urine to make
5 Giralda Farms
Madison, NJ 07940
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Michael Vick Indicted for Dog Fighting |
A letter from the Human Society:
On July 17, 2007, a
federal grand jury indicted NFL star quarterback Michael Vick and
three cohorts on felony dogfighting charges. It’s the latest
disturbing news in a case that The Humane Society of the United
States has assisted with since the alleged cruelties came to light
in Virginia last April.
I hope you will take action today
to urge the NFL to suspend Michael Vick indefinitely.
The abuses described in
the 19-page indictment are almost beyond belief:
In or about March
of 2003, PEACE [one of Vick’s co-defendants], after consulting with
VICK about the losing female pit bull's condition, executed the
losing dog by wetting the dog down with water and electrocuting the
In or about April
2007, PEACE, PHILLIPS, and VICK executed approximately 8 dogs that
did not perform well in "testing" sessions...by various methods,
including hanging, drowning, and slamming at least one dog's body to
the ground."
The NFL expressed
“disappointment” and said yesterday that “we believe that all
concerned should allow the legal process to determine the facts.”
Well, that’s just not good enough. These acts
were not petty or harmless; they were nothing short of gruesome and
barbaric. And there is precedent for a suspension: Other NFL
players, such as Pacman Jones and Chris Henry, have been suspended
while they awaited trial and before they were convicted.
Please contact the NFL today and
urge the league to suspend Michael Vick.
For details about the case and The HSUS’s role
in assisting federal prosecutors with the investigation and the care
of 52 pit bulls taken from Vick’s property,
click here.
And if you are able,
please make a special donation today
to help us care for those animals while the case is being pursued by
federal authorities.
NFL Public Relations at
(212) 450-2000 and ask the NFL to suspend Michael Vick immediately.
send a follow-up email.
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