The question that
always pops up is "What is it that you do?" Well...actually, it goes
more like "What is it that Animals and Actors do?", or our favorite,
"What does Animals for Actors do?"
It all began in 1971
on one of Los Angeles' busy freeways. It was on such a freeway that
the late actor Richard Basehart and his wife, Diana, watched in
horror as someone in a car ahead of them nonchalantly tossed a dog
out of the car window to a grisly death. Their outrage that day
prompted them to gather fellow actors and members of the community
together to stop such inhumane treatment.
When we opened our
doors in 1971, our objectives were to provide proper care for and
prevent inhumane treatment and destruction of animals. The founding
members knew that these goals were not going to be easily
attainable. They would require stamina, resourcefulness and a
long-standing commitment. As George Bernard Shaw so aptly observed:
"The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them; but
to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity."
The story of Actors
and Others for Animals is also the story of compassionate people -
donors, celebrities, supporters, volunteers, staff and board members
- who helped take a fledgling organization and through hard work,
dedication and loving kindness made it a dominating protector of
and Others prides itself on being a nuts and bolts organization, a
broad-based community group working to end all animal abuse and
exploitation. Although the bulk of our efforts are focused on the
need to stop the surplus pet population, throughout our history we
have we have always put a priority on raising the quality of life -
all life.
And while our
history is rich with many accomplishments on behalf of animals, we
are especially proud to have been the prevailing force behind the
elimination of the decompression chamber in California. Working
closely with the County of Los Angeles in the 1970's, it was agreed
that if the County did not use the decompression chamber at the new
Agoura shelter but instead used a euthanasia injection, Actors and
Others would fund such a pilot project. It was so successful that it
soon was adopted by all the other county shelters - then by the City
- then in 1979 by all of California.
Please read the
"President's Welcome"!
Actors and
Others for Animals is a Southern California Community based
organization serving the greater Los Angeles Area and surrounding
If you live outside of this region, we are unable to help you with
your pet.
Please consult your local listings.
telephone numbers are:
(818) 755-6045 • (818) 755-6323
Our Medical Helpline Telephone Number
(818) 897-8760
Or Fax us at: (818) 755-6048
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Actors &
Others For Animals
11523 Burbank Boulevard
North Hollywood, CA 91344