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He is your friend, your partner, your
defender, your dog. You are his life, his
love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful
and true to the last beat of his heart. You
owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.
Author Unknown

When choosing a family pet, please
consider adopting from your local animal'll do your heart good!
"Within the heart of every stray lies
the singular desire to be loved"

See for yourself just how CRUEL
Ringling Bros is. Then, please, do not
pay to see these abused animals for entertainment. It only gives them
incentive to continue their cruelty.
See Ringling
Bros Circus Cruelty

Welcome to Animals Matter Too! |
The purpose of Animals
Matter Too is to gather & share information relating to the humane
and compassionate treatment of all animals. Whether a dog, cat,
horse, bird, farm or wild animal, it's incomprehensible for us
to do nothing while they are abused and tortured for the sake of
money, research or entertainment. It is our obligation to help them.
We do not ask for donations for Animals Matter Too, we simply share
what we've learned and ask you to consider helping in your
community. If you cannot afford to make a cash donation to your
local non-profit animal welfare & rescue organization, then please
volunteer your services. Any form of assistance would be
appreciated. If you need help finding information or have
questions on organizations in your area, please contact me and I
will do whatever I can to assist you. If you would like to make a
donation, we highly recommend any of the organizations in our Animal
Welfare Groups list. If you have any information you'd like to pass
along, please Contact Us.
Thank you for visiting!
Janet Knight, AMT
~ Please help if you can, either by donating to
an animal welfare group or by volunteering your time.
Remember, no donation is too small and no time is ever wasted. ~ |
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Everything you ever wanted to know about sloths |
8 Peculiar Facts About
Sloths You May Not Know Of
Sloths are medium-sized
mammals of the animal group Pilosa, which is related to anteaters and
armadillos. They like
eating tendons, leaves, and buds. All sloths have three toes, but the
two-toed sloths
only have two fingers. They are also tree-dwelling animals and mostly
found in Central and South America.
Apparently, sloths are
slightly different from other mammals due to the variations of their
cervical vertebrae. The two-toed sloths only have six cervical
vertebrae, while the three-toed sloths have nine cervical vertebrae.
Despite how they look, some people would love to make sloths as pets.
They would spend around $700,
as provided by Cost Mentor.
But more than their physical attributes, sloths have other interesting
characteristics that may surprise you. As such, here are 8 peculiar
facts about these tree-hugging animals you may not be aware of.
Sloths only urinate and defecate once a
Sloths eat a lot of food
regardless of their small stomach. This is to supplement their bodies
with enough nutrients. Besides that, they have a deficient metabolism,
which is the reason behind their large food intakes.
They have strong claws
These arboreal mammals have
long and robust nails that help them survive in the jungle. They use
their claws as a defense against their predators. They swipe their claws
on the ground to ward off their enemies. They barely fall victims of an
attack due to their slow movement, which does not attract attention.
They also blend with the trees, making it difficult for the predators to
notice them.
They have less muscle mass
Because their muscle mass
ranges from 25 to 30 percent of their total body weight, sloths tend to
move slower than other animals. In fact, they are popularly known as the
slowest animal in the world. Although their sluggish pace makes them
less vulnerable up on the trees, it becomes their weakest point when
they’re on the ground. Their slow movements, at times, expose them to
their predators.
In addition to those facts,
sloths have the ability to reduce and handle their slow metabolism. They
can also control their heart rate and make it slow by holding their
breaths for over 40 minutes.
Their unhygienic nature creates an
ecosystem for other animals
Apparently, sloths don’t
consider a regular shower a priority in their lives, so you can just
imagine how filthy they can become. Their fluffy fur also highly
contributes to their dirtiness, which creates a
symbiotic relationship with green
algae and even molds.
And did you know that
sloths host moths that feed on the algae present on its skin? Even if
they are dirty, they can create a sustainable environment for other
living species. Additionally, the algae on the sloth’s skin also make it
look green, especially during the rainy periods. Its camouflage
characteristic is another defense mechanism against its predators.
Sloths can retain their grip even after
Yes, that’s true. Sloths
have powerful claws that enable them to hold themselves on trees, hence
gain a powerful support. As a result, they hardly fall from where they
hang on to. They can even sleep comfortably while gripping on the trees.
When the sloths die, they rarely fall off from the trees and still
remain clinging for quite a while.
They only come together during their
mating season
Sloths live and survive on
their own and barely stay together as a group. But when it’s to for them
to reproduce, they meet and mate, usually late of summer and/or early
fall. The male sloth may leave poo in a female's tree or on their tree
as a way of telling the latter that they’re ready to mate. On the other
hand, female sloths are known to scream when they want or are ready to
After the mating period,
the females give birth to their young ones after ten months. It is,
however, difficult for female sloths to conceive if they cling to their
trees and fail to find the males.
Sloths are excellent swimmers
It seems unlikely, but they
can swim much faster than the way they walk. Their muscles highly
contribute to their swimming abilities and make them flexible on water.
They can turn their heads up to a large
Due to their cervical
vertebrae, sloths are capable of turning their heads through a large
up to 270 degrees
without breaking or injuring their necks. |
Kate Upton and Justin Verlander
spend the day finding homes for dogs |
Tigers pitcher, Justin Verlander and his fiancé, supermodel and actress,
Kate Upton, spent the day with some very special friends. The friendly,
adoptable shelter dogs, all from the SPCA Florida, are looking for their
forever homes and families.
The Wins for Warriors Foundation,
which was founded by Justin Verlander, teamed up with the Detroit Tigers
to host the Grand Slam Adoption Event in Lakeland, Florida on Saturday,
March 18, 2017.
Kate & Justin hosted the event
which will benefit the SPCA Florida and K9s for Warriors.
This is the third annual Grand
Slam Adoption Event in Lakeland and it continues to help boost adoption
in the area. It's great to see celebrities like Justin and Kate care
enough to spend their time helping these special animals and
To find out more about or donate
to this annual event, please visit their website at
Have a Happy & Safe St. Patrick's Day! |

In Honor of the 21 Pit Bulls
heartfelt, heart-wrenching message posted by an incredible person,
Rachel R-H on Facebook.
To these 21 precious dogs that lost their lives, as a human,
a member of a species that is charged with protecting you, I
am sorry. I am sorry you suffered. I am sorry help came too
late. I am sorry the person responsible was allowed to have
you after so many previous charges of animal abuse and
neglect. I am sorry the neighbors sat idly by and watched
you be abused and did nothing. I am sorry for the pain you
must have felt as you slowly starved to death. I am sorry
your barks
and cries fell on deaf ears. I am sorry the law failed you.
I am sorry humans failed you. I am sorry!
PIT BULL, Black and white on neck, female -
PIT BULL, Black, male - DRACO.
PIT BULL, Red, female - STAR.
PIT BULL, Red, unable to determine -
PIT BULL, Red, unable to determine -
PIT BULL, Red, unable to determine - ZAC.
PIT BULL, Red, female - CRYSTAL.
PIT BULL, Red, female -BELLA.
PIT BULL, Red, male - VAN.
PIT BULL, Fawn & white, male - RAY.
PIT BULL, Red, female - KARMA.
PIT BULL, Brown, unable to determine
PIT BULL, Brown, female - JADE.
PIT BULL, Brown, female, LIBERTY.
PIT BULL, Brown& White, Unable to determine
PIT BULL, Fawn & white, male - BARKLAY.
PIT BULL, Chocolate - female - JUSTICE.
PIT BULL, Red & white, black muzzle, male -
PIT BULL, Tan & White, female - HONEY.
PIT BULL, Red & White, female - ANGEL.
PIT BULL, Red & White, male - CHESTER.
Rachel is a tireless animal welfare volunteer who spends countless
hours helping to find forever homes for the unfortunate shelter dogs
in her area. Thank you, Rachel, for everything you do.
If you
want more information on the 21 pit bulls, you can read about it
21 Dogs Found Dead in Virginia Home
If you
witness animal cruelty or neglect, please report it. If you are
unsure of what to do, the Animal Legal Defense Fund has an entire
section devoted to animal cruelty. You can find the information
ALDF Animal Cruelty Resources
We are
obligated, as human beings, to help those who are unable to help
themselves. Please don't turn away thinking someone else will make
the call. It's better to have multiple reports than none at all.
Animals cannot ask for help and they suffer silently. They deserve
our protection.
If you need more information or need help reporting animal abuse,
send me an email at I will help you find out what
you need or help you report the incident. I'll assist in whatever
way I can.
Adopt your own little Purrito...available
at any local shelter |
Updated List of Revolting Fur-Wearing Celebrities |
The list of fur hags
has been updated and
pictures have been
Click on the names
to see the photos.
Indeed... |
Spotlight on Bob Barker |
Bob Barker, born in 1923, is known by most as the
amiable host of television game shows such as The Price
is Right, Truth or Consequences and others. But,
more importantly, he's known to many as a man with a
heart of gold and a seemingly tireless dedication to
animal rights.
He has always been an animal lover and became an
activist in 1979 after becoming a vegetarian and,
subsequently, becoming more aware of just how
appallingly animals were being treated. Since that time,
he has generously given his time and money to help
animals in every circumstance including shelters,
circuses and the fur industry.
Barker does not wear leather and has been an
outspoken opponent of the use of fur on his shows. In
1987, he urged the producers of the Miss Universe
Pageant to discontinue having the contestants wear fur.
At first, they agreed and when they reneged on their
promise, Barker resigned as host. He was also
instrumental in changing some of the prizes awarded on
The Price is Right. They stopped giving away fur
coats, anything made of leather, hunting safaris and
don't include bullfights with a trip to Spain.
Regarding "Fur Free Friday"
(the day after Thanksgiving), Barker says, "I urge
anyone who has the opportunity to speak out against fur
to make their contempt for fur known at every
opportunity, and to point out that fur is no longer
chic… that it is a thing of the past. Most of the young
people are not wearing fur. It’s the older people who
wear it. When this generation is no more, hopefully fur
will be no more."
In 1994,
he founded the DJ&T Foundation, named for his beloved,
late wife, Dorothy Jo and his mother, Tilly, both of
whom were animal lovers. It was created to fund animal
rescue facilities and neutering programs all over the
United States supporting low cost Spay/Neuter Clinics
and Voucher Programs. Barker has endowed the
foundation so it may continue funding projects
For many
years, Barker ended episodes of the Price is right with
the phrase, "Help control the pet population, have your
pets spayed or neutered". Following in his
footsteps, Drew Carey continued this tradition after
succeeding him as host of the game show.
A man who puts his money where his
mouth is, Bob Barker made two staggering donations in
In March, he donated $2.5 millions dollars to PETA
to build a new facility in Los Angeles.
In January, Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society received a $5,000,000 donation
to purchase and outfit a ship to help prevent
illegal whaling. The ship was named for Barker.
If there's a lesson
to be learned from Bob Barker, it is
simply that it's never too late to begin
a new more meaningful, chapter in one's life.
He was nearly 60 years old when he
became an animal activist and champion.
And what a difference he has made in
lives of hundreds of thousands of
animals and human beings in the years
since. And while we don't all have the
same financial resources as Barker, we
do have time and, perhaps, we should set
aside more of it to help improve the
lives of those less fortunate than
He is truly inspirational.
Bob Barker's
DJ&T Foundation
Pet Food Guides - Consumer Affairs |
Finding the best food for your pets can prove to be
difficult. With all the commercial ads saying their
products are best... how do you know which one is
the right for your pet? You can read the labels but
unless you know what to look for, it can be confusing.
The folks at Consumer Affairs have created a pet food guide with
all the necessary information to make the right choice for your
pet's needs. Here are a few of the topics you'll find in the
Best-Rated Dog and Cat Foods
Understanding Nutritional Content
The Different types of foods
Expert Opinions
Understanding food labels
There's a wealth of information in these two in-depth, easy to
understand guides. Check them out at the following links:
Hug an animal today....Happy Valentine's Day! |
Waka Flocka & Daphna |
Bros Circus to Close Permanently |
Ringling Bros is calling it
a day and will go out of business in May. Their final performance is
scheduled for
May 21, 2017 at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Uniondale,
New York. Many years ago, this news would
have saddened me. Now I can only feel happiness and relief that it's
over. There are still other cruel circuses out there but this one is
Reportedly, the animals will be able to live out their final years
on a conservation farm in Florida. The elephants were sent there
earlier when PETA and other animal welfare advocates campaigned to
end Ringling's elephant cruelty.
Remembering our Animal Champions |
Unfortunately, we've lost so many dedicated animal
advocates and they are simply irreplaceable. But their
legacies live on in all the human and animal lives
they've touched through their kindness and generosity.
They were selfless, compassionate individuals who loved
and cared enough to help those who cannot help
themselves. Thank you, we will never forget...
♥ |
Bea Arthur
♥ |
♥ |
Robert Culp
♥ |
Mary Tyler Moore
♥ |
Dixie Carter
♥ |
Rue McClanahan
♥ |
William Holden |
♥ |
Richard Basehart |
♥ |
Casey Kasem |
♥ |
Prince |
♥ |
Robin Williams |
♥ |
Dian Fossey |
♥ |
George Adamson |
♥ |
Joy Adamson |
♥ |
Mickey Rooney |
♥ |
Lucille Ball |
♥ |
Audrey Hepburn |
♥ |
Helen Hayes |
♥ |
Steve Irwin |
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